I need help in finding a new host with my specs!

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I need help in finding a new host, I am currently running three websites which get daily hits of around 30 hits per website.

I am not sure how much bandwidth that may use, but I need a host with enough bandwidth for my sites as they are now and for future big increases with traffic. I need to be able to host php files, have unlimited MySQL databases & around 6gb+ of space.
If some one can point me in the right direction of a web host which can offer me this.

Jade, I think a good place to start would be to screen sites like web hosting forums and review sites like www.whreviews.com

Also, check the Special Offers section for some offers, but never forget to do your homework by checking each desirable host. Ask around, send in some test questions, read the small print, and you'll be fine.

I would recommend OptikHosting, As I do to everyone..

One of his plans has 6GB Space:

Business x 6

6,000 MB Space
120,000 MB Transfer

Setup Fee: $0.00
Monthly Fee: $20
Yearly Fee: $200

www.optikhosting.com if interested.
It all depends on the website. If they are just viewing a page, you shouldn't need a lot of bandwidth or space. I think 10 gb of bandwidth will do you good as you grow. Of course you'll eventually have to upgrade but I think 10gb of bandwidth is a safe bet.


I think that would be good enough for you.
Thanks for your suggestions on sites, I will go host hunting tomorrow. Also thanks Artashes that link is very useful, and I will look deeper into it tomorrow.

Start? I have a host...... Which I am paying for but they don't meet my needs. Also do you know a free host which offers 6gb space and about 400gb bandwidth and unlimited mysql databases? I think not.

Thanks again, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

You can also check out places like hostsearch.com, you can do a search by budget there and a lot of the companies have reviews by clients and how reliable those reviews are
I suggest that you don't go on those "Top 10 Hosting" sites because they only put the one that pays them the most through affiliation on top. It doesn't actually rate it by quality.
I guess it is just the case of looking around, until I find what I need. It is such a tedious task though, I might hire someone to do it for me!

I'll start looking tomorrow I suppose. I guess I will start with some of the big engines which search my criteria with loads of different web hosting services!

there are lots of hosting companies which proivdes better bandwidth and better diskspace for your sites. You can look for integrahost.com. They provide good diskspace and better bandwidth options which suits your sites requirement.

Thank you.

Hi, Jade. 30 hits per website isn't much actually, you can find a good VPS solution. Don't think that hiring someone to find a host for you is really a good idea. Just use findmyhosting.com tool.
For the moment I have decided to stay with my current host, I haven't actually had time to look around properly.
So until I do get a chance to have a good look around, I have decided not to go anywhere.
You may look at www.**********. As far as I know their prices are not very high and the company is quite reliable.
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hrm, hosting comparisons

personally i hate the hosting comparison sites that have lots of banner ads and things - they clearly don't care WHAT you buy just as long as you BUY SOMETHING and make them some money in the process. i'd recommend checking out:


from the sound of it, you may just want a 'beginner' type service ... or if you really expect some increased traffic in the future you might opt for what is recommended under 'small business'

either way, it sounds like you're ok for now ... you could also just try googling the combination of stats you want. good luck :cool:
Check out the support response from the host first

Review sites and the like are useful to a certain extent, but I recommend contacting the host directly, especially the support contacts, to see what kind of response you receive. Are you on a long hold? Does your email receive a prompt reply? Those items are extremely important as you don't want to be two months into a hosting contract and find yourself unable to contact the host for support.

For the most part, paid hosting services will likely have more in specs than most sites need. As long as your short list contains only those who are competitive in specs, you should be fine on that front.

Good luck finding the right situation for your site!
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