I want to learn how to design forums


New member
I would like to give a hand at creating forum designs. Maybe there are already too many. I need to learn more about the structures of them.

Where can I find help. I understand how to use images and such in html, but what about actually writing the codes for the columns and pages of a forum. I could spend a great deal of time doing this. Where do i start ?
I think it would be hard to jump complicated codes of programs. The best way is to learned fully the html basic, the CSS and the javascript. Learning all of those, you can create a simple yet accessible forum.
It sounds like you want to develop a forum? You need to know at least HTML and CSS. And then you will want to see what server side language (ASP, .NET, PHP) and database (MSSQL, mysql, MS Access) that you will want to use.
To skin invision power board, its all CSS & images. You must know all the css throughout and know what to change i have started doing it. For the more complex stuff you have to know ipb like the back of your hand and edit all the html.
Check with killersites.com, I think they have some relevant article, alternatively you can simply download a forum software and start building community.

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