Ideal Control Panel


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We are currently developing our own Control Panel which we will use on our hosting site once launched. Although we haven't got very far yet we are re-considering its features.

As of now, it runs cross-server, meaning it runs with both Windows, ASP and Linux, PHP (other combinations too, Windows, PHP etc.).

So what do you need? Please exclude cPanel features, which include;

Changing Password
Parked & addon domains
FTP accounts & upload
Disk Usage
Password protecting Directories
Custom Error Pages
Sub-domain handling
MySQL Database access & handling
Frontpage Extensions
Statistics from all activity
Raw Access Logs & manager
Error logs
A chatroom
Shopping Cart
Bulletin Board
CGI Center
Scripts Library
Cron jobs
Network Tools
Mime types & handlers
Hotlink Protection
Index Manager
IP Deny Manager
SSL Manager

I tell people this time and time again when asked this question.

IMHO the ideal panel would be the reliability of Ensim with the features of cPanel. Ensim IMHO is a very strong control panel but lacks in logical organization. cPanel provides great organization (the logic is easy to follow and find this or that) and is loaded with features, but lacks proper functionality.

My only other suggestion is some type of 'sub user'. This is basically like an account where you (as the admin) can grant access to certain areas or domains of a control panel to a sub user. This way you could allow for someone to create a db for their site, but not be able to delete a db for another.

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