impact on seo of robot.txt on the " page suspended" hosting company


New member
Hy there. Help me pls.

I work at a web hosting company, and i don't know what should i do with the "page suspended" . We have 3 types of indexed " page suspended"

One is like this:

BUT is the name of the web hosting company and not the name of the suspended domain.

If i try to see my links in Google i find a lot of links coming from those suspended pages. I dont know if thats good or bad...because i dont find another web hosting company indexed with that page.

Should i put the robot.txt on it or not?
is what you're saying is that your user's domains when suspended, they get redirected to the above page? instead of keeping their domain and displaying that page?

I think that's how it should be.. not a redirect.. right?
is what you're saying is that your user's domains when suspended, they get redirected to the above page? instead of keeping their domain and displaying that page?

I think that's how it should be.. not a redirect.. right?

Yes, that i what i want to say. I think it should be written the user domains when the page is suspended, not my domain.

Thank you for your answer. I fill the same way but i want to be sure before i tell my boss what should he change.

I agree. I think it's always best to have a suspended page as long as it still shows the customers domain in the address bar rather than redirecting to a page on your site. You should always include your logo on the page though since you may get new sign ups as a result of that.


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