In-house support

I dont think in-house and reselling go together. Reselling would esentially mean that your upstream provider would already provide support for all your resold services.
I don't necessarily agree. Sure, there are things on a server level that a Reseller is unable to assist with (changing PHP version, additional modules etc - unless they're on a VPS/Dedicated Server), but if you actually take a look at the type of requests made by clients to a hosting company, it's often issues with setting up email, file errors in code and things of that nature.

In those cases, there's plenty of room for an inhouse support team to offer solutions.

When I ran our hosting company, we were essentially a reseller - we sold shared hosting on a dedicated server that we rented through a datacenter.

Sure, we had system admins that could go through a server and add features or provide additional security and troubleshooting from a root level, but at the end of the day, it was still technically reselling space of a hardware that someone else owned.

We did run our own hardware for many years and rented a cage at a center, but that meant we had to have available staff to swap hardware, reboots and other such issues. Going on vacation was an ordeal in scheduling.

So, yes, I do prefer in-house support that can get me answers to issues rather than just responding with a "we'll check" and then having to wait for them to contact their upliine for a solution, and respond with more questions. A lot of lost time in those situations.
Yes, it should be you first priority option as the time you take to respond to the client query would be a factor to judge your professionalism. And providing 24/7 top notch support also matters.

In case you fail to resolve any issues then In house would be an option to get it resoves
I believe that providing support to your customers is key number one in this business. You need let the client know they can depend on you for there support needs anytime day or night.

Honestly, you and the DC are all that is needed.
I dont think in-house and reselling go together. Reselling would esentially mean that your upstream provider would already provide support for all your resold services.

Not Really.

If you are a reseller then your upstream provider will provide YOU with support, but its upto YOU to provide support to YOUR own clients.
You can do this yourself (in-house) or outsource support.

Even getting your upstream provider to provide support to your clients this is you outsources support to a third party.
Although your hosting provider will offer you the required support, it is better for resellers to offer in-house support, at least a level-1 support tech. That way you can ensure timely response to the queries. Your customers won't face any delays in escalation or resolution of issues.
I'm surprised that people still think that the host will be prepared to do the support for the reseller.
We always expected the reseller to do the 1st and 2nd line stuff.

Only if the problem was our system would we get involved.

Having said that, if there was an option missing from our config panel, we would always do our best, to add that option if it didn't contravene security or company vision/direction.
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I'm surprised that people still think that the host will be prepared to do the support for the reseller.
We always expected the reseller to do the 1st and 2nd line stuff.

Exactly. The clients are your clients so it is upto you to provide support to them and not your host.

If as a reseller you want your host to support your clients then be prepared to pay for this sort of support option as a lot of hosts will do this for a fee.
reseller hosting provider provides support for all general tasks , but if you have huge clients and hige requests on reseller hosting you should have a guy to forward requests to your backend reseller hosting support team and communicate with your customers since reseller provider will not entertain your customers , you need yourself engaged with customers request and forward to support team .
That's not correct.

An example: If your customer wants to set up an email and doesn't know how to do that, as the reseller, you would have to explain that, or do it for them.

If you were to forward that request to us, we would charge 20 minutes of engineer time, so you would have paid £20 for the privilege.

Now, if it were that the control panel wasn't working, so that an email needed to be set up by hand, whilst we fixed the control panel. (Just an example, this has never happened) that would be free, as we are fixing our services.)
That's not correct.

An example: If your customer wants to set up an email and doesn't know how to do that, as the reseller, you would have to explain that, or do it for them.

If you were to forward that request to us, we would charge 20 minutes of engineer time, so you would have paid £20 for the privilege.

Now, if it were that the control panel wasn't working, so that an email needed to be set up by hand, whilst we fixed the control panel. (Just an example, this has never happened) that would be free, as we are fixing our services.)

With my resellers i had 2 options made to them regarding their own clients.

1) If it was a one off issue then we charged a min £25 to be paid before we spoke to their client (this would cover upto 1 hrs work), then it was £15 per hr after that.

2) If they wanted us to provide regular support to their clients then they could pay a monthly fee of £15 per client.
Why wouldnt you want in-house support?

An in-house support team would work how you want, and fit the company image so much better.
Do you prefer to have in-house support in reselling?

Yes, I agreed with in-house support. Every reseller should have in house support as their first level support to their clients even though they don’t have the knowledge to solve the issue but they should be able to give their client the confident that they are there for them any time. Then, if it is issue that they cannot solve they can seek for second level support from the service provider.
You should ideally have a mix of both. You should definitely hire hands-on server admin who can fix important issues at time of the day . They can handle data center tasks and keep you updated on crucial server nick-nacks.
For all other customer related support, get your own staff as well, but you can surely look for reselling. Saves you lots of time and effort.
In my opinion, in house support should be the best for any type of web hosting company. It is much more reliable and faster than outsourced support.

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