Is a Nice Design Important?


New member
What type of sites do you prefer? Do you like sites made with Flash? Simple HTML sites? Ceonix style sites? How much impact do you think a design has on the sales it gets?

I find that if sales are coming from word of mouth then it doesnt really matter about the site design because the user has had a good report from a current friend and user and they are happy with that.

But when someone comes across your site due to a search engine referral, do you think that a great looking design is what makes them buy? or is it about content and information given?

I believe it's a mixture of a nice design with good content that is easy to navigate through.

What are your experiences?
Yep, good content & nice design both are important. When someone comes across your site because of search engine then it is important to convert that observer into customer. So, if your site design is nice then it is very easy.

Also in case of word of mouth, anybody will first check the site & if site design is nice then only he decides to become a customer.
My thoughts exactly! There are so many things involved in getting clients and all require hard work and attention :) All good fun.
I am ok with some flash but it depends on how much. I am not keen on the music sites that tend to be a complete flash site that open in a new window. If it's just a few effects then all is good for me.
Good design and content are of primary importance to attract a visitor.
In addition to this userfriendly functionality is very much important.
Though Flash is regarded as alow laoding, But the combination of flash and xml with PHP is making flash sites a feast to the eye. Even dynamic database driven sites can be made with flash. This makes a site highly presentable and functional.
I'm also for the reasonable ratio between html and flash. From experienced webmasters often hear that if you can avoid using flash, it's better to do it.
To me, flash is only for shortcomings in HTML. (Video, games and the odd music player)

Pure flash sites are awful! I tend to shut them down as soon as they open.

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