Is hyperVM dead?


New member

Looking into getting started doing VPS selling in the near future. I have used hypervm in the past, prior to it's owner killing himself.

Can anyone tell me what the state of this is?

HyperVM had some major security vulnerabilities and has not been updated since. I wouldn't suggest using it in a production environment.

As for starting a VPS host, make sure you research very well. There are a lot more things to be known about virtual servers rather than just web hosting but good luck on your venture.
That's what I was afraid of. I sent a note in to them a week ago with no response, so I figured they where sunk.

I'm pretty familiar with XEN, and vmware ESX on the virtual hosting front. I currently manage about 150 virtual machines across 20 servers. I just don't do it yet for my hosting business :)
OpenVZ is still a good technology. Don't discount it just because of HyperVM's issues. There are other control panels available.
I migrated all of my VPS clients to VDSmanger without even taking any of them down. Remember that OpenVZ is what the actual VPS runs on and hyperVM is just the control panel. Although my licensing is much more expensive it is still priced in such a way that I can make money doing it. It also has frequent updates and a central management for multiple servers.
I agree on OpenVZ. You have to learn to manage it at the command line without a good control panel but you should really be learning that anyway if you are managing VPS in a production environment.

Citrix XenServer is also pretty nice and their free version is very solid and has many options with a great control panel. They even have a bunch of really cool howto videos that show you how to do everything. If you are wanting to use Xen for high availability or some of the more advanced options you have to upgrade by adding the Xen essentials paid software .

Here is the citrix page with the videos so you can see what it looks like and how easy it is to manage. You can load both Linux and Windows VPSs on the same node with Xen.
You can load both Linux and Windows VPSs on the same node with Xen.


While this is possible..have you even taken a peek at how much licenses cost for that?

No way..too much $$$, IMHO.

I would caution the op about FluidVM and SolusVm. While I see both of these used in production..I have seen many problems in doing so..there are many things still not right with both of them.

Yes..there are few others..approach this with caution.

HyperVM just open sourced today (or yesterday, dunno), so it's not really dead anymore.
Also, i highly recommend SolusVM over HyperVM, does a fantastic job
It will go opensource as i've heard, We are currently using SolusVM and they are very stable with great support.
SolusVM seems like the way to go. I firmly believe now that much of the source code to HyperVM is readily available..exploits will increase and problems with it will only get worse.

I firmly believe now that much of the source code to HyperVM is readily available..exploits will increase and problems with it will only get worse.


While being open source reviles vulnerabilities, it also allows more fixes to those same vulnerabilities, so it could potentially become even more secure than if it were not open source.
Hi! the long will be more secure. However..the short term is looking this will probably open more doors for hackers/malcontents to exploit.
