It's a Sunday, what do you?


New member
Sitting here this morning looking at my screen sipping my morning Joe thinking about my day and I got curious, What does Sunday typically hold for others in our business? Sunday where I am most stores and restaurants are closed, folks don't go anywhere but to church and usually have a family get together and is generally considered a day of rest by some. In today's world however I think it is less a day of rest some weeks and just another day other weeks as there is always something going on. For businesses that are a 24 hour a day business like hosters, ISP's etc, where 24 hour monitoring is done it's go, go go, but for those of us that are small, maybe only the owner or a few employees what does your Sunday consist of.

Today I am going to blow in insulation in our attic and get our house one step closer to moving in. I will cook dinner and spend some time on our deck. Between that I will go through SEO on our site and fix any page issues, look at product pages and do some tweaking, check the servers and do some reading. Weekends in general are usually slow for us.
Depending on your position in the company, for examples Sales or Marketing, the weekend is a slow time with little to no work done. While for Networking and Support, work never stops, just a little less business, because most people do not buy hosting in the weekend.

For us personally, the weekend is a slow time where little happens, except the occasionally client that has a problem, or the potential client that asks for some feature.
I usually work a little in the morning. Nothing to demanding but I do respond to emails, read articles and plan my next week.
Ohh sundays, i use to hate them and part of me still does (dead Sundays) at least here, they in EU are in fact DEAD. Nothing is going on outside. Is depressing! Hate it.
So i usually try no to do anything related to work. 5-6 days of work are already too much.
Sundays i wake up with a nice coffee and start gaming!

Is a good recharge of my batteries to prepare me for the week.
Every Sunday, I and my family are attending Church near our house. I'ts literally a family day, so after church, we do some bonding, chatting. We even go for fishing.

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