Jim "Bobalob" Bob


New member
Hello all,

It's great to be back on Hosting-Talk again. John, have you found the idiot who hacked you?

Either way, great to be back. If I can do anything please let me know. B)

Yeah the last site was hacked.
The site was down for around a month I think, I wasnt goign to put it back up because I lost everything and I had been doing quite a bit of work on it before.
Then some members of the forum before it was hacked convinced me to start it up again ;)
Im glad they did because I would really like to have a good site here.

Anyway...I didnt find the person that hacked it im afraid.

Its good to see you back here :)
Well. I was getting rather lonely. It was the holidays at the time and the aerie I live in was practically deserted.
Thanks John :)

If there's anything I can do just shout or e-mail me.
E-mail is probably the better of the two as 1, I don't often use the HT or CH forums as I have lots of other stuff to do and 2, being across the pond and all I doubt shouting would work :(
lol I may get working on it soon, just need a go-ahead from John.
Course he'll have to code it in, I just write it.

But saying that we are very busy on iPortal trying to get that up-to-date.
Looking very good so far :)


PS: Sorry I'm never on here, I'm busy on other stuff of John's. You can e-mail me if it's urgent.

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