Just A Side Note


New member
To all of you that are dealing in "bulk hosting" :IE 3 GB Space and 50 GB bandwidth.

Heres a wakeup call. Check your TOS and AUP on your providers site. I was gonna do this but when I read my providers TOS it states in there clearly, and I quote "Your bandwidth allotment is 1/2 up and 1/2 down" Meaning this. if you have 1TB of bandwidth you are only gonna have 500 gigs of traffic to come in and 500 gigs of traffic to go out. So if that don't explain it i will give it to you in plainer terms.

If you go over 500 gigs of bandwidth for incoming traffic, you gotta pay. If you go over 500 gigs of outgoing traffic you gotta pay. So if you do 750 gigs of incoming and 750 gigs of outgoing your gonna have to pay for 500 extra gigs of traffic.

And if you still don't get it after reading this the you do not deserve to be in your own dedicated server
I would hope that is something that at least most would consider before making their purchases. It really should be something that everyone accounts for period. Anyone who has an oversight on an issue like this is headed for business trouble IMHO even if this doesn't catch up with them. Part of any good business is knowing it inside and out - including limitations and costs.
Yes, one of the most important things while choosing a will be making sure you understand and agree with anything they have written in their TOS or AUP as it can be such a wonderful plan with really bad limitations.
It depends on which hosts you go through, there is some which do not even count in traffic against your stats, and there is some ofcourse that split it in the middle. But again it depends on your provider, just make sure you read the fine print.
Sadly most people don't know this when they go into hosting. Actually it's not sad I find it very funny some many clueless people jump in head first.
That's why you should always read the TOS & AUP. Although if you are on those 1TerraByte providers then the chances are you arn't going to use 500GB transfer anyway.