just host database problem


New member
has anyone here had any problems with justhost.com's database? I get a can't conntect to database error in my wordpress blog sometimes. I got one today. It uses mysql and amyphpadmin login.
I got a free account from them once I should check it out but I remember HATING their support cause they took so long and often didn't help me. I also remember having lots of MySQL issues while I was over there. Good luck with it and I'll try to find some information if I can.
has anyone here had any problems with justhost.com's database? I get a can't conntect to database error in my wordpress blog sometimes. I got one today. It uses mysql and amyphpadmin login.
Got any reply from their support informing what could be causing this random database errors?
If you're getting timeout errors on the connection then there's one of three things going on;

1) connections setting in the my.cnf file on the server is too low
2) overloaded servers, not enough available memory
3) MySQL Server failing

Only the host will be able to tell you exactly what is going on.
If you're getting timeout errors on the connection then there's one of three things going on;

1) connections setting in the my.cnf file on the server is too low
2) overloaded servers, not enough available memory
3) MySQL Server failing

Only the host will be able to tell you exactly what is going on.
Considering it's just host, I would say, all of the above is true.

What else you can expect when you everything unlimited for $3.45/month.
Well well charge $4.00 for our smallest - so it's not PRICE that would be an issue, but that word "unlimited" that seems to fall into the wrong hands.

Hopefully theres an official answer from the host for the reason.
Well well charge $4.00 for our smallest - so it's not PRICE that would be an issue, but that word "unlimited" that seems to fall into the wrong hands.

Hopefully theres an official answer from the host for the reason.
I wasn't saying anything about price. $3.95/m is a reasonable price for shared hosting if the package is reasonable. I made a mistake in writing earlier.

Unlimited Disk Space and Unlimited Bandwidth is where things get ugly.
What else you can expect when you are getting everything (Space, bandwidth) unlimited for $3.45/month.
has anyone here had any problems with justhost.com's database? I get a can't conntect to database error in my wordpress blog sometimes. I got one today. It uses mysql and amyphpadmin login.

I'm not seeing here if you've contacted justhost concerning your issue. If you have, what was their response?
I'd recommend that you contact their support team - they should be able to help you with this issue.
This problem may occur for one or more of the following reasons:

* The username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect
* You can't contact the database server at localhost
* firewall may be blocking the out going connections, if your domain is confiugred to use remote database server.
* long query time or connect timeout value is set too low.

Please contact your host and ask them to narrow down the issue with the above guideances. I hope this will fix your issue.
Michel has given you the exact steps to check it, It will narrow down your searching to sort the issue. Sometimes It might be caused due to load on the server or DB Services. If you are using Shared Server such issues may arrives somtime.

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