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New member
Hi, I'm new to this community, and it seems like a very nice place to join in, so I thought I'd post a quick introduction

I run a website devoted to Game development and programming, although it's not up at the moment (I'm reprogramming it).

I really like computers, more on the software side than the hardware, and I enjoy web deveopment and programmig in general, although my favourite language has to be php.

I guess you could say I am a hostee rather than a host, although I do in a way host my site for development purposes on my own pc and (thanks to homeip.net or whatever its called, they've got loads of domains) I've got a temporary DNS leading to my IP so people can get to my developmeny site running locally on my pc when needed (although most of it is actually hosted, and its rare I let other people in to my locally hosted site)

I am very interested with everything that goes into web hosting, and want to learn more, as well as be able to see other peoples experiences.

Thanks :)
Hello and welcome GamesCreation :)
Thanks a lot for posting an introduction, good to get to know a bit about the other members here.

What code do you use for game development?
I code in delphi and have been doing it for a good few years now but I havent done any gaming programs before, dont think delphi is the best for that.

I like software a lot more than the hardware side of computers myself too which is why i got into coding.

Good to have you here :)
I use Delphi for all my software development. I find it a very nice language to use, and pretty powerful. I find it more powerful and more versatile than VB, and with the same kind of power from C++, but without the problem that always seems to be in C++ of doing a lot of work and not getting very far.

Plus the community for Delphi is pretty good, with a lot of free components which would take a long time to code manually.

However, I agree Delphi isnt that good for games. There are some good engines that you can apply on top of it for the extra power, but my feeling is that it is for applications more than games.

For games, I use a great engine called 3D Gamestudio. Great community, great flexibility, lovely language - www.3dgamestudio.com

Nice to see someone else using Delphi. I've been using it ever since I got it free on a coverdisk on a pc magazine years ago. Although I have Delphi 7, I still do a lot of my developing in the old version I first got, as I just got used to it (Delphi 3 :) )
Wow someone else uses Delphi :eek:
I only know of one other person that uses it that I havent met through a delphi site.
its not a very popular language but I think its great.

It is a lot better than VB I think, I have been trying VB for around a month now but it doesnt impress me to be honest.
Seems like a light version of delphi to me.

I mainly use Delphi 6 but I have 7 installed here, have had a few problems with porting programs coded in delphi 6 to 7 so sometimes I have to revert back.
I dont undestand why Delphi isnt very popular, it's a lovely language, and VB just has many limitations and seems very slow. It cant even compile proper DLL's and as you said, seems like a light version of delphi.

Thanks, getabanners for the welcome. Everyone here is so kind and welcoming, it's a lovely atmosphere :)
Thanks again :)

By the way, I love this smilie here :smash: I've never seen it before, and it seems to fit the moment quite well (as I'm on a wireless connection and the host just dropped the connection, and I lost my post
Yes, you're right. In a way, on a website with not too many memers (unlike bigger sites) people know each other and it is like a big family

That is great to hear... I'm sure you will keep on enjoying

Me too. I just keep waiting for something to go wrong. Something this good cant be true, can it?
Oli. Is that you?

You are Oli are you not? The guy from games-creation.com? If it is you, why did you shut down the forum?
Hehe well it is true :)
And nothing will go wrong, Im even backing up daily now :D
Anyone here from the first time the forum was up will understand that ;)
Automatically or manually?


Yes, it is me gooooogle, I explained that to you in an email. I actually found the link here when archiving the posts at the old forum where you posted the link ;)
John Diver said:
Hehe well it is true :)
And nothing will go wrong, Im even backing up daily now :D
Anyone here from the first time the forum was up will understand that ;)

It is good to know that you are doing daily backups John...where do you host HT? Do you host it on your own servers?

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