Kids need to be monitored…suggestions?


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Hi, I’m in a bit of an awkward situation and I need some advice, hope you can help me out. I recently found that my 14 year old kid is visiting unhealthy websites while I am at work. I am trying to teach him a lesson but I don’t want to block them just to know what he is doing.

I read in the net about monitoring programs that take screenshots of the computer desktop but can’t decide which one to use. I picked out few of them – Spector, Praetorian Guard, WebWatcher have you used them or any other similar software?
Hi, I’m in a bit of an awkward situation and I need some advice, hope you can help me out. I recently found that my 14 year old kid is visiting unhealthy websites while I am at work. I am trying to teach him a lesson but I don’t want to block them just to know what he is doing.

I read in the net about monitoring programs that take screenshots of the computer desktop but can’t decide which one to use. I picked out few of them – Spector, Praetorian Guard, WebWatcher have you used them or any other similar software?

Haven't used a monitoring software before, but I have considered it in the past. I have 2 young kids in the house (each with their own computers) and what they access is certainly a concern for my wife and I.. Personally, if I were you, I would just block the sites with something like or, but if that's not what you're looking for then monitoring is the next route.
Not sure on specific programs but you need to choose one that will actually work.
Keep in mind that your kids are going to figure a way around almost every block.

There is no substitute for having the computer in an open area of the home and limiting access to times when you are at home.

Other than that make sure you choose a program that runs in the background and password protected so it can't be bypassed.
Keep in mind that your kids are going to figure a way around almost every block.

There is no substitute for having the computer in an open area of the home and limiting access to times when you are at home.

I agree with you, I don’t think blocking is the best option for me right now. I am going to monitor him for a month and see how it goes.

Steve-Hostirian, thanks for the suggestion! I checked the website and looks good. Though I’ve already downloaded the trial of another program (Praetorian Guard) and will try it out first. It looks like business-oriented software but it seems that it will do.
Unhealthy? Pornographic?

There is netnanny program that you can use to block "unhealthy" websites.
I often hear about parents locking down access for their kids.

My thought that it is a healthy growing process, and even may save from or make a "talk" easier in the future, its like when parents dont like kids going out and playing in the dirt or something.. that's how they develop bacterial immunity and learn to socialize.

While to an extent there could be very unhealthy things for kids to experiment with online, in general I think its ok.

It sounds great that you don't want to completely block them but monitor.
I often hear about parents locking down access for their kids.

My thought that it is a healthy growing process, and even may save from or make a "talk" easier in the future, its like when parents dont like kids going out and playing in the dirt or something.. that's how they develop bacterial immunity and learn to socialize.

While to an extent there could be very unhealthy things for kids to experiment with online, in general I think its ok.

It sounds great that you don't want to completely block them but monitor.

Must agree.

If it is porn material it to me wouldn't be a big issue - I was sure checking it out at that age!

Just make sure they don't find out if you monitor, it will really damage any relationship if they are looking at that sort of thing.
Kudos! To HC-RO for his comment! I strongly agree with you.

The more you restrict, the more they will be inclined towards it.

It is better to keep an open atmosphere. Rather than restricting them.

And I strongly agree with Paul on this context: "Just make sure they don't find out if you monitor, it will really damage any relationship if they are looking at that sort of thing."

You better don't monitor. As you have stated, he's 14, this means he has just hit puberty. Hormonal changes and blah blah....happens. You can't help lol
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