Learning how to talk web hosting talk!


Cyber Specialist
"If you study what your competition does and says you will gain knowledge from them. Listen and you will find the answer to anything"

This is what I did starting at WHT until the people piss me off. Every since then I have transfer my knowledge to HD. HD is a great place to talk anything on your mind and not get attack by another company because you are competition. In every business there is always another person/company, that's business. What you should focus on is your niche in that market. Once you have that niche you can start to sell your self to everyone you know. A niche is something that you have thought of or only some many people have done it. Like web hosting 15 years ago!!
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That depends on the people not on the companies I assume. But that is good you have forums you are happy on.
Well, I'm still on both forums and learn something from each every day. You can't know everything, but these forums certainly help accelerate the learning curve.
WHT is full of <snipped>. About 30-40% of my posts get attacked somehow. You learn to deal with it..their just haters is how I see it. Also, your right Cyper, HD is the greatest forum in my opinion. Friendly people, friendy staff, and just a friendly environment. But, then again that is becuase Art has put a lot time into HD and has made it a friendly environment where anyone can post something and get the help/opinions they need.
WHT is too crowded. Lots of discussions happening over there and it is more "professional" than friendly. I find in HD and WHT AU a bunch of close knitted members. As Steve said, the learning curve gets steeper through forums like this.
I see someone removed my bad word lol Technicaly it is a loop hole but I guess Art or whoever removed it despite the loop hole :p Oh well.

Anyways, WHT is a little more professional in a sense, but still full of people ready to attack. That is one reason why I rarely chat on there if ever.
I think many people think of WHT as their only source as to new clients and becomes a (badword) -fest. Some of there other boards (not .com) are even worse.
Id agree with what has been said, id not personally blame the WHT team but the posters in the case of many of them tend to troll the forums looking for opportunities to belittle other companies. I myself originally signed up a long time ago but have never been an active poster because of the atmosphere.

Although have been as a company at the fowl end of one of their posters, in this case, they had looked at our site and in particular the status script we use (status2k) and where wrongly accused of using unlicensed and illegal scripts/software due to a number of images not displaying correctly due to our ongoing efforts to integrate the script as well as a copyright line that is editable through the “editable template files” - to cut this short, we posted a full receipt and urged them to validate the licence and since have heard no word.

Although all of that happened within an advertisement post and as per a moderator of wht the account was linked back to another host. Ever since I have not personally returned, although a member of my staff monitors the site occasionally, however I believe the HD environment and community is far superior and productive and I’m sure some if not all would agree.
WHT is too crowded. Lots of discussions happening over there and it is more "professional" than friendly. I find in HD and WHT AU a bunch of close knitted members. As Steve said, the learning curve gets steeper through forums like this.

As for WHT ever since I got into with a couple of higher people( bigger companies) I have stop using it but it has lots of knowledge for reading. I got a lot of drive from getting into with those people. They think there hot stuff and it made me very mad.
I just think you need to take into account the cultures of each community, and respond appropriately. There are plenty of providers on WHT that offer great advice, day in and day out. In contrast, HD is growing and has it's own blend of cohesiveness and community. I would agree that HD is much friendlier. Both forums offer exceptional professional discussion on topics of great interest - across the board - to hosting providers and users alike. :)

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