List of themes in cPanel (PLEASE ADD)


New member
Here is a list of Themes I wanted to put here and show you most of the themes for cPanel if you ever need it :p

Free Based:

Vertex (not updated, kind of LAME)
CPanel 5 (or 6)
Xskin (


BlueTrix (I'm using love it!)
RedTrix (I'm using it also)
SimSkins (I'm using those also)


Xcontroller (I'm using, nice )
CoolBreeze & co (I Don't like it much :|)

RVSkins ,

Ok that mainly the once i know, add to the list what u knwo

also here are couple of Auto Installers:

Fantastico Auto Installer (I'm using it, recomended)
CPSkins Auto Installer (I'm using it, recomended!)

<< Vertex (not updated, kind of LAME) >>

How come you think Vertex is lame?
I like it quite a lot actually, and all my clients use it.
It's a very nice and refined control panel - as they say, skins mature in age just like fine wines do. :D

<< Xcontroller (I'm using, nice ) >>

Yeah, it's very nice. I'm soon going to purchase it once I get another server. I am not sure if I should give it to all my clients though - but I do know I'll get Fantastico too since a lot of my clients want that.

<< RVSkins , >>

Everything else works for me, except that link. :(

<< CPSkins Auto Installer (I'm using it, recomended!) >>

I've heard of Fantastico, yet not this. Which is better and which would you recommend more?
Plus where can you get it??
How come you think Vertex is lame?

Never gets updated, It's a nice design, but NEVER gets updated.

I'm soon going to purchase it once I get another server

Buy a RackShack box, you get Fantastico + Xcontroller FREE.

Everything else works for me, except that link. my bad :)

Which is better and which would you recommend more?

They have the same features, I'm using both on my servers ;)
<< Never gets updated, It's a nice design, but NEVER gets updated. >>

True, but just because it isn't updated doesn't mean you have to call the design lame. ;)

<< Buy a RackShack box, you get Fantastico + Xcontroller FREE >>

I don't really want to go with RackShack though, but I do want that stuff free. :(
I'm about to hear good or bad news from the DC in Washington, so that'll let me know who to go with. :)

<< They have the same features, I'm using both on my servers ;) >>

Well then I guess I'll use Fantastico, a lot of my clients want that as they all know how to use it. :)