Looking for a Free Host


New member
I'm looking for a free host who will provide the following things...

Unlimited Space
1+ Gig Bandwidth
Domain Name

In exchange for this I will put a banner on the website along with an appraisal for your company!
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I would host you however not the domain, unless you could guarantee me that you could have a nice amount of unique visitors per day.
phear, just to help you with your request.

"Unlimited Space" does not exist.
1+ GB is a bit vague. It can be 1GB or or it can be 800GB...

You know what I'm saying? ;)
Don't worry about the domain name, just the rest. As for Unlimited Space, I meant a nice amount. I am not going to take up 20 Gigs, maybe 1 Gig, at most. At bandwidth, I am not going to have many downloads, maybe a few gigs?

I'd really appreciate it!