Looking for a heavy VPS or a cheap dedicated.


New member
I own an im********** website (Click2host) and I want to switch to a dedicated server or a heavy VPS, and im looking for around these specs:

512-1GIG ram
1000+GB Transfer Monthly
80+ Gig hard drive
Decent processor
Decent internet connection..
100% Managed (So They fix my problems, when I get them)

Im not looking foward to spend 200$ a month for the planet, but I was checking out Layerd Tech, I just want to start cheaper and smaller, but something just as reliable...

Any suggestions?
I guess no one can help me with this problem? I posted this six days ago, still no reply... Link posted a topic and got a reply almost instantly! So I'de take it no one can help?
Alright, I'll check into the three, have you used or tried any of the three companies your recommended?

And why did it block out 'image hosting' ?
RyanL said:
Alright, I'll check into the three, have you used or tried any of the three companies your recommended?

And why did it block out 'image hosting' ?
I have not purchased a VPS from any of the providers I've listed, but from what I've been reading on forums, they seem like a good bunch. If I were you, I'd look into PowerVPS or ServInt.

Someone most likely spammed a site with "age-hosting" (no dash) in the domain name. Most spammed domains are censored. You can see that "image hosting" isn't censored. Try adding a space in your original post.
I checked into the three.. Right now, for a VPS I wouldn't want to spend more than 80$ a month, and on 'PowerVPS' I only got 30 GB Space, which isn't enough, Same as 'HostForWeb' It would have made me upgrade to like a 100+$ Plan to get the disk space I needed, and ServINT, Their $90 Plan only gave me 20GB Storage..
I've got several VPS's from a company called FutureHosting.biz and they have been really running smoothly -- even with cpanel/whm/fant/rvskin. I actually was searching in WHT myself a few months ago, and that's how I came across them. I've also heard of KnownHost, they seem to lack guaranteed RAM in their packages, but apparently their sales staff mentioned most users can get up to the Bustable RAM. Hopefully one of those two will suit your needs, apart from the ones webfreak08 already mentioned

Good luck!
I was looking for the same thing, as you can tell by my other post that I am still widening my knowledge but might I suggest looking at the server I use. lunarpages has a VPS for only $40 a month and dedicated starting at $100. I have not used one of them yet but I do have a basic account and it is always online and the customer support is wonderful.
I would assume that Galaxy-hosts was advertising since that is where the mods note was and galaxy-host is not a moderator. Is there a good Dedicated out there that has cPanel, I am already familiar with it and my host charges extra for it.
Link, what are you needing a dedicated server for? Just curious..

And most dedicated servers charge 10-30$ Extra monthly on cpanel/fantastico/rvskin/whm etc.. But some do provide it as 'free' and just charge the server price an extra 30$, so you think you're getting it free..
I do not really need a dedicated yet because the website I just took over has been down for about 6 months now. Back when the website was running, it was always going over its bandwidth limit, and the server I have now has enough band width to run that site alone but I run 2 other sites on the same account. So, in order to do what I want to do with the website I will need to get either a VPS or a dedicated server, which, from being on these forums, looks like I will just get a VPS to start and see how that goes.
Oh.. I was thinking of maybe splitting a large VPS or a small dedicated server together.. but It would look like you would need a lot of the space and bandwidth...
Try offshore servers, they are cheap but not reliable ive seen alot of providers from china singapore and korea selling p4 2.8s really cheap almost half the price of layeredtech.

Also layeredtech does not have a good support team ive tried them then shifted over at softlatyer quads they have amazing support.
I wouldn't want offshore, because its so far, especially for image hosting, it would be horrible to have a server across the world, when it mainly targets US recipients.
RyanL said:
I wouldn't want offshore, because its so far, especially for image hosting, it would be horrible to have a server across the world, when it mainly targets US recipients.
Actually, if you are talking about a dedicated or VPS, it would make little diffrerence to image hosting users. It is how crowded or overloaded the server is that slows it down. ImageShack, for example, overcrowds their servers, so sometimes it takes ages to load something. I wonder how their users tolerate that...
Artashes said:
Actually, if you are talking about a dedicated or VPS, it would make little diffrerence to image hosting users. It is how crowded or overloaded the server is that slows it down. ImageShack, for example, overcrowds their servers, so sometimes it takes ages to load something. I wonder how their users tolerate that...

But wouldn't you think that an offshore place is on an internet connection half way around the country? Thats like with gaming dedicated servers, if your in the United States, and you are playing in a server that is located in the United Kingdom, you will ping worse than if the server was in central Texas..
RyanL said:
I own an im********** website (Click2host) and I want to switch to a dedicated server or a heavy VPS, and im looking for around these specs:

512-1GIG ram
1000+GB Transfer Monthly
80+ Gig hard drive
Decent processor
Decent internet connection..
100% Managed (So They fix my problems, when I get them)

Im not looking foward to spend 200$ a month for the planet, but I was checking out Layerd Tech, I just want to start cheaper and smaller, but something just as reliable...

Any suggestions?

You can try www.KnownHost.com.
They are asking for 70$ A Month on barley half of what I need, No thanks...

But Thank you for trying.. I posted in sponsorship section, and may have got Eric.C, Not sure..

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