Looking for a sponsor

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New member
Hey all,

A year ago I started a Belgian clan for people from Belgium and Holland. After a few months (2) I decided to set up a website powered by free hosting. No complaints about hosting nor the speed or limits of it...
But... it came without any domain name. So, now I'm searching for someone to sponsor a domain name for us like a .be/.net or a .org.
I'm willing to take any offer!
Of course we will place ads on our sites. We could discuss where they should be placed.
Thanks in advance!
I got the tip to add some extra information, so:
U can contact me on my gmail: pietje8501@gmail[dot]com
and our site (how could I ever forget this) hxxp://firstblood.tk
Our forum is a separate part of the site, but hosted on the same server.
How come you need a second domain when you have firstblood.tk? and how much of the $10 or so reg fee are you able to contribute?
The *.tk domain name is just a referrer and sometimes it's really slow..
The problem is that I have enough money, but not on the internet (like PayPal 'nd stuff) and I can't use any credit cards, because I don't have a suitable age for that.
I'd recommend speaking to your parents and handing them the money to pay for the domain and have them register it with their card.
@OP: so you consider only EU countries? I think that would be better to have US. I think that this region has more rich choice.
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