Looking for forum posters


New member

I am looking for forum posters who will be paid the rate of:-

$0.10 per post
$0.15 per thread

If you are interested then PM me with the following information

Posting Experience(With links0
PayPal information

PM me all the above information and I will get back to you with more information.
is it still open?

hi...i have an experience of over 2 years in writing for forums..i specialise in health care and alternative medicine ...and can almost write on any topic.

Here's my sample post:
According to Ayurveda, our natural state is one of health, happiness and an inner sense of well-being. Health is defined as the body being clear of toxins, the mind is at peace, emotions are calm and happy, wastes are efficiently eliminated and organs are functioning normally. In a busy, stressful and toxic world, our physical and mental systems accumulate toxins causing deterioration in bodily functioning. This eventually weakens our systems, which opens the door for chronic, degenerative, and non-specific diseases to develop. These can evolve into serious specific diseases, ultimately damaging an individual’s health and wellness.

Panchakarma can help by reversing these negative effects of daily living. It can restore your natural state of health and wellness by cleansing your body of toxins, bringing balance into your system and improving bodily function. It can also help you sustain this process by making positive changes in lifestyle.

The Panchakarma therapeutic process appears quite simple in its application. However, its effects are powerful and effective. Panchakarma is a unique, natural, holistic, health-giving series of therapeutic treatments that cleanse the body’s deep tissues of toxins, open the subtle channels, bring life-enhancing energy thereby increasing vitality, inner peace, confidence and well-being.

Well....Please send me your requirements ASAP .