Looking for link building Service


New member
I have just launched my Website, for its promotion i was trying to find some good link building package but what i found was that the trust able link building companies charge more then 3000$ that is beyond my limits, does anyone know some cheap link building package.
i dont want to use any unfair techniques
Thanks to you all in advance
Well it depends how much link you want per month. Before contacting someone make a plan like you want this much link in this much time. So that will make easier for everyone to help you out.
It's always good to hire a professional to do the work. Link building is a very important work from SEO perspective, it has to be done very carefully. There are many third party companies offering SEO service. Before going ahead, get a proper action plan from them.
It would be a better idea if you could just pause for a while, study some books plus articles about the whole mechanism of SEO and then make some great decisions. Building links for websites can be extremely important but do you believe by getting some of them, the next week your website will be on front page of Google? Well, haven't you heard that nothing beats having top contents on websites?

You see, instead of focusing on links, that although are essential to grab but they are not just everything in today's internet marketing world, try to have a vast perspective of the way search engines operate, how to reduce bounce rates of your pages through providing people with valuable contents and in the meanwhile look for those portals that can act as linking platforms for your site.
It would be a better idea if you could just pause for a while, study some books plus articles about the whole mechanism of SEO and then make some great decisions. Building links for websites can be extremely important but do you believe by getting some of them, the next week your website will be on front page of Google? Well, haven't you heard that nothing beats having top contents on websites?

You see, instead of focusing on links, that although are essential to grab but they are not just everything in today's internet marketing world, try to have a vast perspective of the way search engines operate, how to reduce bounce rates of your pages through providing people with valuable contents and in the meanwhile look for those portals that can act as linking platforms for your site.

Couldn't agree more Link building is the last thing to do (i speak from experience) when all the work for the on-page optimization is done and dealt with. But if this is your case get a good SEO company it may charge more but they won't mess up.
If your looking for a link building service, backlinksgenie.com is good. However, do not link directly to your money site. Use this service to blast your web2 and other properties that you have hand created.
You have to be very careful with link-building these days, as it is a sensitive matter. Be sure to give this task to somebody who really know what has to be done. Buying low quality links can be worst than not having links at all.

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