Looking for reseller w/ 5GB space & 50GB+ bandwidth

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New member
Desired specifications:
- 5GB space
- 50GB bandwidth (or more)
- MySQL 4.1.x

$5.00 - $7.00 per month

If you'd like to email us with your offer, please use our Contact Us page.
Hello Sir,

I can offer you the reseller plan for $7/month.

It would contain

5GB Space
50GB Transfer
Cpanel + Fantastico
Unlimited Features
Order Now

If your interested in ordering please use the order now link above. If you would like to contact me you can use our contact information found in our sig.
Sounds great. Just a few questions.

1) Server specs?

2) How long have you been in business?

3) What kind of support do you offer and how fast do you respond?
Hello Hostaddicts,

Our servers range from AMD Semprons 2600 to Dual Xeon 2.4GHZ. All are minimum 1GB Ram, and 160GB Drives.

We have been in business for 5 years now, 3 in hosting, 5 in computer parts sales and repairs. Our email and tickets as well as IM are answered most of time ASAP. Phone, is normally ment for our dedicated servers staff, so we screen the calls, some times, your recive the voicemail, however a tech will contact you ASAP.

We offer Ticket, Email, and IM's. We also have phone.

Also I ment to add we also have RVSkins with the servers.
Ok, I'm interested. You're definitely on my list, which so far only consists of you at the moment.

I will wait for a few more offers before making my decision. :)
Sure thing, the order link is there, for you. If you need anything please contact me via our contact ways. As forums are not checked often.
LSComputers said:
Sure thing, the order link is there, for you. If you need anything please contact me via our contact ways. As forums are not checked often.

Just checking up on this thread, are you still interested in our package, or have you found another provider?
smokyhosts.com can offer you our beginers resellers package which will suite your needs.It features....

Disk space :: 5GB
Bandwidth :: 50GB
Unlimited Features
Unlimited support tickets
Monthly :: 7.99USD/month
Quaterly :: 20.99USD/month (equals to only 6.99USD/month).
Order Now
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