Mac vs PC vs Linux

In you poll, the number of votes for PC are highest which is understanding when you consider the number of PC users in the world. But as time goes by, the number of Mac users are also increasing but because of its higher price, the numbers are not gonna match the PC users any time soon and for Linux only programming geeks tend of opt for this one. Should you looking to have an idea on the file systems for Mac, Windows and Linux, you should take a look at this article which give you a good idea about the file systems of each of the Windows, Mac, and Linux OS and see how they compare in terms of speed, compatibility, efficiency, GUI, and more.
In you poll, the number of votes for PC are highest which is understanding when you consider the number of PC users in the world. But as time goes by, the number of Mac users are also increasing but because of its higher price, the numbers are not gonna match the PC users any time soon and for Linux only programming geeks tend of opt for this one. Should you looking to have an idea on the file systems for Mac, Windows and Linux, you should take a look at this article which give you a good idea about the file systems of each of the Windows, Mac, and Linux OS and see how they compare in terms of speed, compatibility, efficiency, GUI, and more.

Considering PC are for general use and Macs are primarily designed for professional web designers etc. then the Mac/iMac will never reach the same levels as PCs
Also PCs and even laptop sales are decreasing as most people have smartphones and tablets.
I still use a PC, but i can do just as much work on my iPhone and iPad
Did somebody really reopen a 4 year old thread?

It doesn't matter to me. They are all computers. They all run ssh and a browser. That's pretty much all I need for server administration.
I must be a playboy then, as I've replaced by Windows Machines with Mac and Fusion.

I have two 27" iMacs and a 13" Macbook Prow now, and they are way more solid than Windows.

Timemachine is an absolute Godsend. Set it up once and it just works.
I personally love using Linux. So many different ways you can customise it with so many different distros.

Also Linux never seems to accumalate slowdown over time like Windows tends to do.

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