Marketer or partner needed


New member
Hello everyone,

I am in search of a Marketer or possibly a Partner for The Premier Host.

The Premier Host has been open for 5 months now and there is currently 11 active clients.

Marketer's would be responsible for coming up with ads and posting them on forums, blogs, any free sites you may know to post them, withOUT spamming. Assuming you go the free route, You would be paid 40% profits.

If you would like to become a partner, I'd like you to invest what I have invested in the company. I will add up the total but it's roughly $1,500. This investment will not be paid to me but instead put into Marketing the company. IF you'd like to go this route, you will receive 60% of profits for the first year and then 50/50 there after.

If anyone is interested you may reply here, PM me, or E-Mail me at admin(@)
