Miserable Failure


New member
LOL The funniest thing I've ever found on google search - dont know if people already know about this.

You know how you type in "weapons of mass destruction" in google and click the "im feeling lucky" to get top result - and it shows you a funny 404 not found page.... Well try the same thing with "miserable failure" and see what comes up ---- I wont give it away.
Oh my God, that IS really funny!! Why is that though? Also check out the news headlines when you search for "Miserable Failure". This is way too funny.
I know! LOL as soon as I came across it I just had to spread it on 10 different boards hahaha. There's your search engine optimization at its best. I should get whoever did this to promote my site lol - without even touching any of my code.
I have read about a view that this googlebombing thing is viewed as despicable and underhanded, but I have to say I disagree. This is a way to actively use the few channels dissidents have to make a simple and profound statement. Hypocrisy alert: many of those critical of this "miserable failure" campaign do not realize that this is no less moral than all of the false correlations between Saddam and Bin Laden. Yes, yes, both are terrible and have human rights violations, but the point is that G.W. falsely linked them while there is widespread evidence that THEY HATE EACH OTHER. At least the opinion of the Googlebombers is substantiated. Plus, it is opinion, meaning that before the media puts a spin on it as unsavory they must realize that it is the very free speech that is most constitutional.