My Hosting Experiences - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly


New member
Ive hosted my accounts with a few companies over the years.
I tend to use UK companies for the added benefit that their customer services will be on the same timezone as me. But I have used a couple of non UK companies aswell.
This is merely my opinion through experience. If you have had a good experience with one of the companies below please feel free to give your opinion :)


EUK Hosting - Good price, customer service & uptime.
EZPZ - Good price, customer service & uptime.
INFRENION - Good price, customer service & uptime.
CSNEWMEDIA - Costs a little more than the others. Good customer service & uptime.


SD HOSTING - Will only accept payments via paypal gateway. Even for long standing customers, no direct debit, bank transfer or cash deposit option.
GRABWEB - All was fine until I had a MYSQL problem. Then their technical support had no idea what to do & support ticket was left unanswered for 3 days.


IX - Server hacked 3 times in 12 months. All sites affected. Site visitors computers infected with virus.
WEYCREST - Customer services are rude. Incorrect package/pricing information on site. Support tickets take 48+ hours to answer. Domains switched off without warning. Accounts messed up.
I don't use UK hosting but I think this is a great idea to do a review thread for people to share their experiences with various hosts. It would be really cool if there was a section with a thread for each service, perhaps with a poll with a 1-5 rating scale? That would be helpful to seeing which places really are the best to deal with.

I have never personally used UK hosting for the simple fact I live in Iowa. I see that more and more companies (bigger companies) are getting into UK hosting. Thank you for sharing your experience. Best of luck to you and your websites.
I have used Fasthosts in the UK back in 2001 and then I currently have a small account there. In 2001 they were terrible but now they seem to have got their act together.
It's good to hear that 'Fasthosts' got there act together. I do think most of the time its management and the person who owns the company. They feel there way is the best way because they did it like that at another company they worked at - blah, blah, blah. Or it could be the simple fact they have been out of the game for so long they don't understand whats going on with clients and employees.
Since the debackle with Ix I always google a hosting company nowadays to see how many times they have been hacked before I sign up.
I haven't used any UK Hosting but I think of buying reseller account on Do you have any experience with them?
You seem experienced.
Good to see people sharing their hosting experiences with others in this forum and really helping others to make the right choice.
Keep posting more of your experiences with others hosting corporations as well,this will help people in this forum tremendously.
Good Article,Keep it up.
I've used DreamHost and really did not like the service. Downtime, Horrid control panel, etc..., had an account with this place called Ispeed which I believe was mafia based and ended up taking my $50.00 annual payment. Service lasted about a month :)

My best advice is to research as much as you can about the company you are considering handing your money over to. You worked hard for your money and whoever hosts your sites should work hard for it too. Go to as many forums as you can find and look for complaints. Ask pre-sales questions and see the knowledge of the person on the other end. E-mail them and see how long it takes to get a reply. If a company has been verified and in business for years that would be a good indicator that they won't let your sites be offline.
Well after 100% uptime for over a year, SD Hosting has been down for a day and a half. No email warning & no way of contacting them so Im now spending the afternoon moving the websites I hosted here.
I think I will use CS New Media for these. Hopefully SD Hosting can sort their problem out & resume service but I dont have time to wait, time is money as they say.
Wow it really sounds like you get around ;). Out of curiosity, if there are several providers that you have been happy with, why do you keep trying different ones?
:D The reason for that is my requirements are quite specific for each given project and its often hard to find a company that fits the bill on every aspect.

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