My website

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Oh that's nice :)
It's a little slow for me, but that might just be my connect at the moment....

I like the color scheme and the images you made...
perhaps you want to use the turquose bar on the left for something?
Uh, no....

I can see it now, and talking to serveral people on the phone (on other ISP's) checking if we had a DNS issue or not (as I am a ISP), they could not see it either at the time....

Either way, it still looks good, just a little plain on that long left side. Something needs to fill in there....

That is my opinion. We all have 'em though.....
You are right, the server was down a little bit.

Yeah, I dunno what I could put in that area... well I don't have much time to update my site anymore.
That is odd... the host is one of the fastest paid hosts I have ever found... is pretty good and has good reviews. Maybe your location has an effect on the speed.
Very neat navigation (maybe the font size should be a little bigger), very accurate layout. I think its time to work on the design part of the site.

Try to implement a new template, make special placement for pictures - you know, make graphics, photo and text work together because now I see everything separated.

Good luck!!
<rant>OK, I don't mean to be rude, but what use is replying to a topic which was started over a year ago? All it did was send me a notification email. But maybe that's what you wanted (some ploy to get more visitors? :D)</rant>
What do you mean, artashes? It seems all flowing well for me... and I am not very good in any of that making graphics or anything. That logo is the best I could do.

Well... my website has changed significantly... since a year ago...
If you had seen it 3 years ago when this thread was started I'm sure you would have seen something entirely different.
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