Need Help : VPS Server


New member
Hello Experts,

I have recently purchased a VPS, earlier I was having reseller account. I moved the accounts through WHM. I am currently facing two problems.

Problem# 1. Few accounts are successfully moved and I could see the accounts on WHM accounts drop down list. But these accounts are showing "Default Web Site Page". (Error: If you feel you have reached this page in error, please contact the web site owner

For ex:

Problem# 2: Few accounts are WAP sites, so the disk usage of these kinda accounts are around 18GB. I remember seeing the tar.gz zip file of these accounts were in server(through Shell Login). I am not sure how to locate that zip file and unzip it and make it work. I need help on the list of commands to be used through shell to make it work.

Kindly help me out to solve this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Not sure what your particular situation is but 18gb is a large amount to be transferring via WHM.

The default webpage for the accounts that are transferred could be a propagation issue.
As with the other postings, 18GB is a large site to move, and I'd not attempt that through regular WHM site transfers. It's best to use rsync and sync the files between the two location (if both locations have shell access).

If not, then creating the tar file for the backup and moving that to the new location and then unpacking would be the route I'd go. Anything larger than 3GB we do not move through WHM ourselves, we usually dump a backup and then import via shell in those cases.

As for the default page showing up, the site appears to load correctly here, however likely your site was cached at the time of your move so you were still seeing an older page. Just run "ipconfig /flushdns" from a Command Prompt on your windows computer, then open a new browser and you should be able to see your site.
1. check your dns at

make sure your hostname is working correctly, and also your resolv.conf

2. goto list accounts and make sure your sites are using the correct ip

3. edit dns zones and remove any left over zones
Problem# 1. Few accounts are successfully moved and I could see the accounts on WHM accounts drop down list. But these accounts are showing "Default Web Site Page". (Error: If you feel you have reached this page in error, please contact the web site owner

For ex:

This happens either due to DNS propagation or when the IP address is different in DNS zone file and in httpd.conf. Make sure that the IP is same and if its same you will just have to allow some time for DNS propagation.

Problem# 2: Few accounts are WAP sites, so the disk usage of these kinda accounts are around 18GB. I remember seeing the tar.gz zip file of these accounts were in server(through Shell Login). I am not sure how to locate that zip file and unzip it and make it work. I need help on the list of commands to be used through shell to make it work.

cPanel backup will most likely fail for 18GB site. Best option would be create a cPanel backup without home directory and restore that backup on VPS and then rsync the data.

/scripts/pkgacct --skiphomedir USERNAME

This will generate the backup for the account. This is necessary for transferring all settings/configurations. You can transfer it to VPS and restore it.

Once done, you will have to rsync the data from old account to new VPS. For this you have to login to old server as SSH and use rsync command to transfer the data as:

rsync -avz -e ssh /home/USERNAME

This will sync all the data to VPS.
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