Need Hosting Service.


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Dear Hosting service Providers,
I run a web developement firm in india.
I need to host 5 near static small websites. My requirements are very basic.

Domain --5
Bandwidth-- minimum
space -- 50 mb
Email - 10
control panel -- any.
Server -- Linux/windows
if linux will need chilli asp to run contact us form
scripts written in asp.

Plz give ur minimum price.My budget is really very low. I have more sites to host in future. If you can offer any designing work to our firm, it will help us both. i am looking for smaller firms, who are looking for partners to grow. :agree:
Host XL can Offer

1000 MB Space
70 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited E-mails
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Domains


This is what we can offer you:

500 MB Storage
5 GB Transfer
10 Domain Hosting
Control Panel
MySQL, & Access Databases
ASP & PHP Scripting
Live Stats

We also offer website design to our customers and the work is often oursourced. Send us an email with more info about your company.
MOD NOTE: Post deleted. Offer not matched. Please screen through marketplace ads limitations before posting.

We rely on your further cooperation.
where are the moderators? none of the posts are near what he's looking for.

you pm'ed me, so I replyed with my offer in there. my offer is $2.45 for 100mb space and 2gb bandwidth. that also comes with unlimited domains, subdomains, email accounts, and mysql databases. you also get 2 months free if you pay by the year.
Yup, absolutely 'mattsoft' -- the moderators would also notice that your offer doesn't meet a basic requirement of requester either. ASP -- that works on Windows. Yes, he has mentioned Chillisoft if possible -- but that's pretty iffy for ASP support.

And you do NOT offer Windows hosting or even Chillisoft ASP on Linux.
Perhaps you could point out which posts you are referring to Mattsoft. From what I can tell they all offer what he is requesting with the acception that none are windows servers. Is what you are offering on a Windows server?
well, not trying to put anyone down, and I'm just assuming he's looking for a low price, but none of the posts offer near the space he's looking for. but if $5 or so is ok with him, choodiwala does have a nice deal.

sorry I didn't say anything about asp. I was going to, but it slipped my mind. I host on linux servers. they don't support asp, but if you only need asp for a contact us form, my company would be happy to write you a new script in php that will run on any platform :)
He is looking for 50mb of space. He has been offered 1000mb and 500mb. You offered less then both of them. I still don't see where you are coming from.
Blue said:
He is looking for 50mb of space. He has been offered 1000mb and 500mb. You offered less then both of them. I still don't see where you are coming from.

ok, nevermind then I guess. I just ment no one posted too close to what he's looking for. sorry
Guys, the truth is, when someone is requesting the "minimum" price, space or bandwidth, it is very hard to understand where that minimum is, so I guess we have to focus on the "minimum" price mostly and go from there - if the minimum-priced offer matches other criteria.

Btw, to mattsoft and netspace: don't be that concerned, moderators do screen every single post at HD to make sure they follow the regulations. And if they don't --> :banned:

Why does every thread that is in here have to result in personal attacks against each other. If you have a problem click the "REPORT POST" link
50 MB Space
1 Gigabyte Bandwidth
Unlimited FTP, E-Mail, Lists, SQL, Subdomains
No addon/parked domains
$1.95 per month

If that does not fit your needs as good as it should:
100 MB Space
2 Gigabytes Bandwidth
Unlimited FTP, E-Mail, Lists, SQL, Subdomains
5 Addon and 5 Parked Domains
$2.95 per month

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