Need Small, Cheap Hosting


New member
Specs I need, really would like to stay close to that.

Space: 500 MB
3 GB Bandwidth (I think, how many views could I get a month with that?)
3 E-mails
2-3 Sub Domains
1 .com Domain

Some questions that I guess I should ask:

- How long have you been in business?
- What are the specs for your shared and reseller servers?
- What datacenter do you use?
- Do you have uptime statistics?
- Is my account easily upgradeable? Is there an upgrade fee?
- How many people are on your support staff?
- Do you have a file I can download to test system speed?
- Do you have a money back guarantee?
- Do you have an uptime guarantee and if so is it server uptime or network uptime?
- Do you perform regular backups or am I responsible for my own backups?
- Are there any scripts that you don't allow to run on shared plans?

I'm also willing to work to get the hosting and/or domain name. I could edit your HTML (Or make some HTML codes), Javascript, and a tick of CSS and PHP codes. Or make you some graphics. I would like to do this... But I guess I'm willing to spend a little money.

Contact me at or post here.

Thanks :)
Matt Larmore
Hi Fewski, here's what we have to offer you that best matches your needs.

500MB Storage | 3,000MB Bandwidth Transfer
$2.00 /month
Please contact us via e-mail, IM, or PM for information on ordering this plan.

If you would like the standard 10,000MB of bandwidth transfer that we normally give with 500MB of storage you may receive that for an additional $0.50 per month.

cPanel Control Panel with cPanel Pro Addon
Fantastico Deluxe (Automated Script Installers)
RVSkin Enhanced cPanel (14 Different Themes, 20 Languages)

For full feature listing please visit:

Domain names are sold separately.
.com/.net/.org/.us/.info/.biz/.name $9.99 /year

For my e-mail/contact information:
donald <AT>

- How long have you been in business?
Eleven months starting in November of 2003.

- What are the specs for your shared and reseller servers?
P4 Celeron 2.4 GHz | 1 GB ECC DDR SDRAM | 7,200 RPM EIDE HDD | 10 Mbps Uplink

- What datacenter do you use?
ThePlanet datacenter in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

- Do you have uptime statistics?
Uptime Report:
We just started using this service to monitor our uptime, hence why it has a recent start date.

- Is my account easily upgradeable? Is there an upgrade fee?
Yes, and upgrades are completely free of charge.

- How many people are on your support staff?
I am the sole owner and administrator. We do however have people who may help you in our IRC channel which is accessible from the Live Chat page on our web site.

- Do you have a file I can download to test system speed?

- Do you have a money back guarantee?
Yes, a 14-day full money back guarantee. After 14 days you may still receive a pro-rated refund for any time not used.

- Do you have an uptime guarantee and if so is it server uptime or network uptime?
We offer 99% or greater uptime. Our datacenter's network is covered under a 99.9% uptime SLA.

- Do you perform regular backups or am I responsible for my own backups?
We do not maintain automated backups at this time. It is however a feature we have planned.

- Are there any scripts that you don't allow to run on shared plans?
No daemons or services may be run nor any scripts interfacing with IRC, however IRC java applets may be used to your hearts content.

- I'm also willing to work to get the hosting and/or domain name. ...Or make you some graphics.
We do have a need for a graphic artist. Our requirements involve both 3D and 2D graphic experience and knowledge and the ability to create original, custom graphics on-deman.

Thank you for the clearification Artashes.
I've updated the offer to better match the request.
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Fewski, the bandwidth/space ratio that you're asking for is quite unbalanced. It'll be every hard if not impossible for you to find a host selling accounts with that kind of ratio. You're asking for too much space when compared to the amount of bandwidth.

A host must "slice" the server and must do so smartly, keeping a space/bandwidth ratio that makes sense for it (even though it does not necessarily make sense for the customer too).
Bronze Package
500 MB Space / 3 GB Transfer -- $7.95/month or $79.50/year
- Unlimited subs/domains/email/mysql
- Includes Fantastico
- Includes 5 stat programs
View More Details

Maxium Hosting, LLC-- Domains Hosting, eCommerce Hosting and Domain Names and Web Design
Reliable, Affordable, Irresistible
Live Chat
AOL IM: MaxiumLive
MSN: Maxiumlive
Yahoo!: MaxiumLive
ICQ: 257295509
MOD NOTE: Post deleted, offer not matched. Please consult the Hosting Requests rules before responding. We rely on your further cooperation.
- How long have you been in business?
over 3 years

- What are the specs for your shared and reseller servers?
They are 2Ghz processor, 1GB RAM.

- What datacenter do you use?
Gnax in Atlanta, US

- Do you have uptime statistics?
99.0% Uptime. No statistics available sorry~

- Is my account easily upgradeable? Is there an upgrade fee?
There is no upgrade fee, but you can only upgrade the plan on the date you sign up for the service. Lets say you sign up on the 10th, you can only do an upgrade on the 10th of each month.

- How many people are on your support staff?
2 :p and requests are answered within 24 hours guaranteed.

- Do you have a file I can download to test system speed?
The speed test is available at my web site. Http:// Click on 'Hosting' and you'll see speed test on the left. You may need to install plug-ins if your browser do not support java applet.

- Do you have a money back guarantee?
A full refund can be issued within 10 days.

- Do you have an uptime guarantee and if so is it server uptime or network uptime?

- Do you perform regular backups or am I responsible for my own backups?
Weekly. You may do backup for yourself.

- Are there any scripts that you don't allow to run on shared plans?
Chat scripts using huge amount of system resources.

If you are interested, please visit :popcorn:

Is the .com Domain you mentioned above registered? Your .com domain is hostable, but I do not offer domain registration. You must register the .com domain yourself.

Accept online credit card, paypal and mail orders.
Mail orders only accept yearly payment :winter:
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