Needed advisors / mods / stuff in exchange for hosting


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We are a startup forum dedicated to smartphones / mobile phones industry and in need of a forum posters and stuff.

We are particulary looking for (5 positions), as we like to call them, "advisors" who are basically supermods but with one difference, we want them to be involved in developing the forum not just playing cops :) and moderating the threads.

What we offer in return
Beside usuall benefits every mod / admin have, we will give to selected "advisors" free hosting accounts for as long as they serve our community.

Hosting account detials:
Disk Space 15000 MB
Monthly Traffic 300 GB
1 Domains hosted
Subdomains 12
FTP Accounts 5
Mysql Databases 1
Mysql Quota 30 MB
E-mail addresses 100
E-mail Aliases 100
E-mail Lists 5
Cron Jobs 1
Site Studio
and more...

Servers are Dual Opteron 244 Servers with 2 GB RAM and 2 x 250 GB HDDs in RAID 1 with quality fast support.

If you are interested, register on SPT and add yourself to group "Apply for advisor" in "Profile -> Group Memberships". You will need to make at least 10 posts / threads with quality content (no lurkers please) to apply. We will choose 2 people at the end of the current month (June) and 3 more next month (July). To maintain your advisor status, you will have to be active of course with no less then 50 posts per month. If you have previous experience with tech / mobile / pda related sites that would be definitely a plus.

Thanks for reading.
Just as a heads up i'm welly experienced in customer service and websites. I have mptc credits if you'd like to look me up. to talk about it but i applied on your site and hope to make the cut.

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