New Control Panel

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I'd be very reluctant to jump on the bandwagon considering all of the horrible spelling errors on the site. Mind you it's a european software company.

They might want to watch "X-Change Server" - Microsoft may get picky about the name :D

I did go through the demo on the site, but wasn't really impressed with the UI - of course this will change over time, but it doesn't have my vote of confidence at the moment. I was somewhat confused by the way they "upgrade" packages/Manage users.
It seems very similar to the DirectAdmin format. Loading time is a little slower though and it is pretty much featureless. I tested the online demo and it looks ok with not too many features yet. You may just go and use webmin until then ;). Also this most likely will become a paying panel by the looks of it. Looking further their support team seems to be active in responses on their forums. Overall it's a toss up but it definetly looks like they will be a pay to use control panel if you are thinking this is going to be free forever ;). It still seems to be in the beta stages until a full release.
Everybody and their dog is making control panels, but to lead in the field, you really have to offer something different. Like real security, not like the mess we are using now. (ie. look at phpsuexec) Cpanel isn't that great of a product, and you won't win users by just emulating their features list.
The control panel looks preety cool how ever though looks like some people have gave the mail demo a personal try ;), good luck with the control panel.
I think it would better to close this thread. The URL in the initial post doesn't work. Probably because it was posted months ago. :)
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