Not a server hardware question but...

I recently have benn running into a problem with my connection (cable modem) that has got me and a few other stumped as to what could be causing it.

Online games run fine, streaming and ftp are smooth but when I go to surf web sites, I lose my connection. I get a not found error for everything like Google and Microsoft and all the rest. The company that provides the service tells me that the modem is responding fine to their system and advises me to go to the Network Connections folder and right-click on the LAN selection. In the menu I'm to choose the Repair selection.

I do this and the next page generally comes up fine but then it stops responding again and I have to repeat the process again. And again. And again.

I'm running XP Home on a decent machine with plenty of memory and only a Zone Alarm Pro firewall which even when disabled doesn't seem to help the problem.

Any ideas?
I had a similar problem and the only way I could get it fixed was for the ISP to change my IP.
They had to come out and they checked the box (I have a box outside which has connections for the telephone and net) but were able to do everything from outside.

Is your net working ok on the computer directly connected to the net if your using a LAN?
Have you considered trying another browser like Mozilla or Netscape to see if it does the same thing? Or even a re-install of XP?
Speak to your ISP and ask them if they are using a transparent proxy which is caching the web pages
