Olternit.com [Grand Opening | 50% OFF]


New member

I would like to introduce you to the opening of our web hosting company, Olternit.com. We are offering some special deals for this next week.

About Us

Our main goal is to provide quality service to our customers. We can provide anyone, at any hosting size, with premium speed and reliability at the most affordable prices. We are confident that we can provide you with optimum service no matter what your needs are. We offer a wide range of plans in all areas of hosting, ranging from shared to reseller packages. We take pride in using only the best hardware and software for our systems as well as the world's best Internet carriers, including UUNet, Level 3, Verio, Time Warner, Global Crossing, Allegiance Telecom, and ATT. Additionally, we run a 100% Cogent free service.


Shared Hosting

We offer four different plans starting at $7.95/month. However, for the next week you can sign up with the coupon GRANDOPENING for 50% off your first month.


Reseller Hosting

We offer four different plans starting at $29.95/month. However, for the next week you can sign up with the coupon GRANDOPENING for 50% off your first month.


Please email sales@olternit.com with questions.

DEAL ENDS: 10/07/03!