Online backup services


New member
Can anyone recommend any good online backup services?

What we're really after is the ability to back up servers (physical or virtual) to the cloud and and have the ability to restore the backed up server as a virtual machine if possible.

Ideally UK based would be best
I would recommend checking out some cheap atom dedicated servers, it may work out cheaper - I have seen them under $30.

It depends what type of backup setup you require?
Thank you for the suggestions. I was actually looking for an online backup service for a personal project. Something where I could backup a server I had in my house directly to an online service, so if it died I could either restore it, or better still get a copy of the server as a image that could then be made into a virtual machine
Best option is to choose Virtual servers that have 100% backup features. Other than that imporatant data can be backed up using software like Synclo, which is a cloud based storage services (this is mainly desktop app).