Online gaming


New member
I wonder does anyone of you play any online games?
If you do, which one ?

I play America Army :shh: :D
Hmm... It seems yes...
The name of the game is " Make business better than others ". :box:
Very exciting game. ;)

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I'm a big Counter-Strike player, in fact I'm going to be going to Newbury (i21) to compete in a national LAN event :)
The only game I enjoyed playing online was Monopoly, but my gaming fever is over now.
not many america's army servers where i am so i play mohaa breakthrough or rtcw is extremely popular for some reason here in new zealand so i play that occaisionally
Urban Terror Beta 3 (Quake III Arena mod)

Used to be more popular but Call of Duty and MOH-type games have seemed to attract a lot of the better players away.

On a related note, someone asked what to do about stress... that was my answer - play online games (or other single-player games like GTA Vice City - gotta love Vice City!!!).

My wife thinks I'm nuts to be on the computer after 8+ hours at work on the computer - I tell her it's MY TIME and I'm stealing back some brain cells...