Overselling Shared Hosting Plans


New member
I have had some bad luck with companies that oversell there shared hosting plans. They put you on a server that is bogged down with several other clients including resellers. Does anyone know of any providers that do not permit overselling and if they have some sort of ratio CPU Load wise that they do not allow there servers to reach?
Its hard to tell, you can have a Dual Xeon with HT 2gig of ram and ONE singal account running a CGI script can bring it down. You can have 2000 sites on that server with out the CGI script and run smoothly... its nuts every server is different
Overselling, why initially it may get you more money because its cheap, people will leave because of the problems. With us we make sure clients don't hog resources!

But as frattay mentioned, its different with every server.
cats-computing said:
Overselling, why initially it may get you more money because its cheap, people will leave because of the problems. With us we make sure clients don't hog resources!

But as frattay mentioned, its different with every server.
Thats a good policy to have cats, bandwidth hogs can make or break a hosting company.
frattay22 said:
Its hard to tell, you can have a Dual Xeon with HT 2gig of ram and ONE singal account running a CGI script can bring it down. You can have 2000 sites on that server with out the CGI script and run smoothly... its nuts every server is different

You've hit the nail on the head frattay.

Couldn't have said it better myself. :p.
I'm 100% againest over-selling. I think if a company can't cover costs by charging enough without overselling they should raise they're prices. Overselling shouldn't be needed to cover costs.
I don't really like it when servers are over loaded but you really can't do much about it but back up and move to another host, or kindly email them and see if they can move you to a new server since the servers are overloaded. I don't think I have ever overloaded a server in aspects of clients... I have over loaded it of a damn CGI script, at a certian time this script would run since it didn't run off of Mysql and would just take about 30% of the server which was nothing really on the servers we had...

If you have an issue of overselling just ask them kindly of moving you to a different server they have and if they say tough, say "Thank you," and then cancel after you have backed up and moved to another host.

3 cents
but even if you are moved to a new server, give it 3 months and that server will be overloaded and your in the same boat you were in 3 months before. If you notice the server seem sluggish ask the admins to try and solve it or move.
Yep but that is what every business wants is to grow, you don't want to pay 300/server when you only have a few clients on there... The math does not add up
The shared hosting business model is based on overselling.
The key is not to oversell so much that you would lose money if the users actually made full use of bandwidth etc.
blacknight said:
The shared hosting business model is based on overselling.
The key is not to oversell so much that you would lose money if the users actually made full use of bandwidth etc.
That makes sense but then again it sounds like another marketing scheme that could mislead customers that could actually utilize what you are selling them. Overselling has always been a funny topic to me, especially an experience I had with a well know hosting company in Australia. The servers with there reseller accounts were so bogged down that it could barely run a script that I tested on it. Back to ev1 I went.

Anything you do can be over-selling :) If you have 300 Reseller accounts the server can be fine, if you have one Shared account on that server that takes up all the CPU, memory etc... then whats the problem :) it all boils down on how you maintiane the server

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