Pay to Own Servers???


New member
I've Seen In Many Forums People saying WE paid off the server and now they own it. Is there a Comapny which does this where you pay a fee for a certian number of months and at the end the server is yours?
I might be wrong myself, but what I think those people mean that they have purchased the server from a distributor, not a hosting company, that offered leasing option.
Artashes said:
I might be wrong myself, but what I think those people mean that they have purchased the server from a distributor, not a hosting company, that offered leasing option.
Oh ok Thanks For the Info Artashes
There are a number of companies that offer lease to own, but they are all under certain terms. Take my company for instance. We require you to colocate the server with a certain colo company, and at the time you fully pay for the server, it is yours to take anywhere.

I would suggest going with an outside leasing company, which I set up for a number of my customers that wish to lease. This way you are able to take the server where you want.
That is not always true. That depends on what you are going to do with the server. Maybe if your needs may not change for a few years, then owning your own server may not be so bad. Once you have paid for the server in full, colocating is cheaper than renting a dedicated server. If you do expand, or you do need a higher configuration, every server is upgradable. You can always stick in more memory, put in a faster CPU, add more hard drives, or even upgrade your existing one. If you want to change the whole configuration outright, then you alwys have the opportunity to sell your current server and purchase a new one. There are a ton of people that are looking for cheap servers, and you can't get any cheaper than a used one. I get requests all the time from people that want to purchase used servers off of us, because many times we try to help out our customers, by selling there old servers that they have no use for anymore.
I believe Nkommunication offers Rent to own servers. Think there was an offer somewhere for $199 for a celeron 2.5? can't remember though.
ServerMan said:
I get requests all the time from people that want to purchase used servers off of us, because many times we try to help out our customers, by selling there old servers that they have no use for anymore.
Do your clients resell from you?
tdothost said:
I've Seen In Many Forums People saying WE paid off the server and now they own it. Is there a Comapny which does this where you pay a fee for a certian number of months and at the end the server is yours?
Wouldn't that be under rent to own? as a lease type contract?
Take a look at WebNX on webhostingtalk. They offer servers for sale there, and as part of that you can lease-to-own them and colo with them. They seem to be a decent company, and I looked at them myself at one point, so maybe they have a server they can sell you :)
Since this was brought back up,

Yes nkom has an servers2own program you purchase the machine outright on the first month and colo with us. Colocation runs at $40/month for 1TB of transfer per 1U rack.
I am not a big fan of rent-to-own or lease-to-own deals because you typically pay a premium and in 2 years you have old hardware that is not worth much.
tdothost said:
I've Seen In Many Forums People saying WE paid off the server and now they own it. Is there a Comapny which does this where you pay a fee for a certian number of months and at the end the server is yours?

Why not just buy the server and colo it?
hmalekib said:
Why not just buy the server and colo it?

For some people, the upfront cost isn't workable :) Think of it as a small scale mortgate - most don't have the cash for a house, so, they pay it off over a while ;)

Companies like WebNX though, offer good servers at the ~$800 level, and over 6 months, that works out at a good deal. Sure, you pay a slight premium sometimes, but, it works out ok I think :)
Gnax does the same thing, I consider it like this. If you want to expand so you can add say another 400$/month in revenue, whats easier, waiting 5+ months until you can afford a dual xeon dual core 5130, or paying us $140/month and expanding faster.

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