Payment processing


New member
I've metioned in another thread that I am thinking about going into web host reselling. As I work another job, I am trying to automate as much of the process as I can. Does anyone know of any good payment processors that would be able to automatically send some type of response when paid, so that an invoice could be marked paid in a database so that I dont have to check manually? (I'm kind of ignorant of payment processors and how they work.)

How do others process their payments? Also I have heard there are some resellers that will process payment for you as part of their service - anyone know of any company that will do that?

Thanks :mic:
It depends on the billing script, ClientExec will mark them paid as long as they pay through the link on the invoice or when they signup.

I believe ModernBill and WHMAutoPilot will do that plus activate the account when they pay. I prefer to manually activate packages.
Most billing systems will allow you to automatically create accounts when payment is recieved. At the same time, this can cause a problem in that if a fraudster/spammer signs up, he can signup and send thousands of emails if it's hours before you get a chance to check his account. You need to balance whether the user waiting a few hours for you to check them out is that big a problem vs the potential problems you could have.

I do believe, at least in the past, Clientexec could also be setup to do things automatically using a user submitted cron job - not sure if that still works anymore.
You need to balance whether the user waiting a few hours for you to check them out is that big a problem vs the potential problems you could have.
Very well pointed. As far as I've seen most hosts would agree that true instant account activation is a highly risky affair. A company can achieve near instant account activation if there's enough manpower, but doing it completely automatically is kind of a folly these days.
tickedon said:
At the same time, this can cause a problem in that if a fraudster/spammer signs up, he can signup and send thousands of emails if it's hours before you get a chance to check his account.

Thanks for the reply. That's a great point, I didn't even think about a spammer signing up just to send out spam. So I guesss its best to manually set up a new customer.

What about for established customers paying their monthly bill? Do most resellers enter the payment as 'paid' manually as well, or can that be somewhat automated?
Paypal + modernbill. And now with paypal's new service, you have more control and features akin to a full merchant account.
The best one would be using once you get the billing system working and working correctly, it will all be automated as long as they pay they will be installed and it works pretty well... too.. MB 4.4 not 5.
I'll chip in another recommendation for Clientexec. It costs less but gets the job done just as well as the more expensive software. It's good if you don't require a plethora of features and just want an easy-to navigate billing system. We love it.
If you really want to go with automatic setup, I would suggest getting a fraud check solution like Fraud Guardian or MaxMind. I use WHMCS with MaxMind and accept PayPal and credit cards via 2CO. This seems to work quite well.
I use google checkout. It was quick, simple and efficient. It costs 2% + .20 I believe per transaction. It's less expensive than paypal. I offer both, because paypal is so popular, but my preferred option is google checkout.
From what you want accomplished to make your business as automated as possible, then getting a billing system is the best bet. For ease of use, I would go with either Client Exec or WHMCS (which is what we use) and takes care of most the automation you need including monthly payments for existing clients as well as setting up a new account after payment is recieved.

However as noted earlier, I wouldn't allow instant sign ups even with fraud protection in place like MaxMind which is highly recommended to have. It is MUCH better to look over each order as they come in and you determine if it is real or not. If you have any doubts contact them and see what kind of response you get. Fraud is a constant problem with online businesses, web hosting is no exception and you want to make sure you reduce as much of it as possible as chargebacks etc can be costly and take a lot of your time to deal with.

Payment processors, most billing systems allow you to use a wide range of processors to bill your customers. Most of them are easy to sign up with and use, but what you have to compare are the rates each one charges etc. Paypal is always easy to setup and you get a near merchant account. Been using CDG, and they have been good to deal with.
I'll chip in another recommendation for Clientexec. It costs less but gets the job done just as well as the more expensive software. It's good if you don't require a plethora of features and just want an easy-to navigate billing system. We love it.

I feel the same way after going from Lpanel to CE. :D I even got lost in Lpanel and my clients would freak out not being able to find key things that should be simple to find. CE FTW!
We suggest PayPal with WHMCS (way better) or WHMAP to automate everything. PayPal is a great choice for a merchant gateway and will due fine and has no hassles when comes to transactions and stuff like that. Some of our clients feel safe only dealing with PayPal as they don't trust direct transactions via credit card.