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PayPal is great. It's used by loads of people, and contrary to all the bad posts about it - it's a really good CC processor.

The majority of those bad posts about it are actually fraud, which give it a really bad name. :(

But anyway, PayPal is really good and should be used as a second payment option for those who wish to use it.

You should also use something like 2CheckOut too.
That's also good and widely used. :)
PayPal is great, but their fees are high, especially when it comes to transferring funds to or from our UK bank account.
Ive read some horror stories about paypal too but Ive never had problems with it all and have been using it about 3 years.
We added it in since we had some requests long ago from users that wished to pay via paypal.
PayPal is great. It's a great solution for those new starting out hosts, since it is easy to use, fast to set up, very cheap and extremely efficient.

True, there are lots of "horror" stories... but that goes the same for any bank or merchant account or other 3rd Party CC Processor - so no matter where you go, you decide for yourself.

I've never had a problem with PayPal, therefore believe in it myself 100%. I always make sure I read the TOS and AUP frequently to double check and to make sure that I fully understand it and agree with it.

A lot of these well known "horror" stories are from people who don't read the TOS or AUP, therefore get into trouble and don't realise they are doing wrong. They may not see it as their fault, same as others wont see it as their fault - but if you start a job, do you sign on the dotted line without reading it?
They could say you get $15 per hour... yet without reading the contract, hidden away it may say "You will get $1 per hour paid on a yearly basis - at the end of each year".
Or something to that degree, so always be careful, and make sure you read and fully understand what you agree to!!
Since Paypal is so big it will have probs. I think frauds would stop if they add a setup fee like 2CO does. Most people don't want to get suspended or terminated so they start to do the right thing.
Paypal is the best way to make payments.

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Palpal, Check and Money order are the pay services I offer. I personally don't want to have to deal with people's credit card numbers, etc. I find it much faster to, as it's almost instantanious when the pay is sent, and aslo I find that PayPal also has a definitive way of telling you exactly who payed, what time.. etc.
I personal wont have anything to do with them.
They are pressently in the middle of who knows how many class action suites, on top of which it seems they are being investigated by the fbi and some other groups for stuff like fraud, and iligally acting like a bank without following the rule(ok so they dont call it that but I cant remember what it was called)
more info at &
dnspixel said:
Is Paypal considering a good payment system like 2checkout or others ?

2CO aside, I think PayPal is a good option. However, it should be a secondary option and not a primary option.
The way I see it, PayPal is a must in terms of a payment solution, although it should not be the only form of payment. Because of its popularity, it will definately draw in customers that may not feel comfortable giving you their credit card number, and would prefer to leave it up to PayPal.
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