People should think... then react


New member
Problem solve first... then react

I just thought I'd pass this along. Sorry if it's wordy... my first post.

I've had some domains for a while now and needed a new host. I'm cheap so I looked for a good cheap host and did a tiny (read lazy) bit of research. I signed up for some cheap hosting from a company (ZZHosting) then realized that their server configuration really didn't meet my needs. Then I read a few of scary reviews on them and their lack of customer service. Panicked, I emailed the customer support thinking I'd lost my 1 year hosting payment. Low and behold I immediately got a response and a refund.

The point being, I think a lot of people are too quick to react. They get all mad because something doesn't work out and immediately start a pandora's box of sorts. I've dealt with several hosting companies, some who are referenced in "hate" posts in this forum (GoDaddy), and never had any un-resolvable issues. I think it's how you deal with problems I guess.

My other point being, if you are reasonable, 90% of the time you will be taken care of.

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Cheap doesn't mean bad. It means how you mange your costs and revenue balance.

Other people/reviews create an image of company in your eyes for a company/individual. Your real experience is the essence.

You can't change the way people think/react. What you can do is to improve your R&D habits and self-improvement.

My views.. not pointed to any :agree:
Heh, it happened to me as well, to be happy with a provider other customers were unhappy. Sometimes the customer has a point, sometimes he/she's doesn't. We must accept that there is no perfect human and there is no perfect company, but some genuinely try to be.
Thing to keep in mind is that the majority of people are reactive, not proactive. They wait for something unexpected to happen and then they react.

Not many people go into a venture, or decision thinking, "If I do A, then A1 could happen, and A2 could happen. If A1 happens I'll do This1 and when I do This1, That1 will happen and the problem will be solved. But if A2 happens I'll have to do This2 and This3 after calling Person1, but then That2 will happen and the problem will be solved."

Every 6 months we review our current contracts with the datacenter and look into other possible contracts. I about jumpped on one deal this last time because, "The Price Was Right" but after thinking it through in the above situation, too many This1's and This2's had to happen in case of an emergency which would have ended up costing us just as much, and in some cases more money than what we pay currently.