Pesky Clients


New member
Here is a problem that I tend to run into from time to time.
I get a lot of great clients that apreciate everything especially the price that I offer but every once in a while I get ones that don't.
What do you do when you get clients that are causing you far to much work and trouble then they are worth. I feel that it would be a bad move to ask them to leave the host but at the same time I am losing money with all of the support that I need to provide.
Any sugestions?
Actually there is no proper way for screening customers so this will be ongoing problem but just remember you must deliver what you have promised them. Looking on your problem, I would suggest to add a knowledge base and include the work that you often asked to do and let them to refer the knowledge base when they need extra work or even you can charge them extra.
I spent 10 hours this past Sunday dealing with a client, just talking to him trying to get his account Setup.

Ironically, I spent another 10 hours on Sunday doing the same thing with another client.

I litterally mean 10 hours too. Talking to him. It's not something I like doing, no plan to do everyday but that was just for the setup.

Otherwise as long as you have everything that works and have good manuals, flash tutorials and a huge KB like we do then support is pretty minimal.
Yea, I understand the problem it is very difficult to manage a less tech savvy clients in some occassion.
Since you said pesky, not newbies clients, I think the main thing is to determinre the amount of time set for each hosting account and and the priority of tickets used by your support team.

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