Physical & Virtual Dedicated Server?


Do you think that people make a difference between "Physical Dedicated Server" and "Virtual Dedicated Server"?
Not all the time, but they should.

Dedicated server means customer manages his server but with a vitual dedicated server he does not have dedicated ressources for sure.
Do you think that people make a difference between "Physical Dedicated Server" and "Virtual Dedicated Server"?
I don't think they do. People that lease virtual or dedicated servers are typically more Internet and hosting literate than the average prospect.
Physical dedicated servers a total different and one should know about it before renting one from a hosting provider.
Not all the time, but they should.

Dedicated server means customer manages his server but with a vitual dedicated server he does not have dedicated ressources for sure.

You see, this is why I have opened a thread like this. Neither "Physical Dedicated Server" nor "Virtual Dedicated Server" mean that there is a technical or system administration included in the service. In other words both are Unmanaged by default.

The main difference between the Physical and Virtual Dedicated Server is the "Physical" refers to the "metal" server (computer) itself, while he "Virtual" obviously refers to a computing instance created through virtualization technology. Virtual Dedicated Server has its own dedicated resources, something which depends on the virtualization technology.
I don't think they do, its hard to explain them sometimes but once they get to know about the rates they're quite satisfied with the cloud one.
A virtual dedicated server is the same as a virtual private server (VPS).

VPS is a smaller component within a physical server. While dedicated server is the whole of the physical server.

VPS is like having a slice of the cake. Dedicated server is like having the whole cake to yourself.
There is certainly deifference between dedicated server and virtual server.

Dedicated has all the hardware dedicated to the installed OS only.

Virtual will not have all the hardware allocated to it but only the hardware configured for it. (e.g. 4GB RAM is allocated out of 32GB or dedicated RAM)
I don't think a lot of people when they are searching for a "server" really realize the difference between the 2 because they are so focused on the price. Problem is when you end up running into problems down the road then you end up really finding out what you did purchase might of not been what you thought you did.
Resources of Virtual Private Servers can be increased or decreases with a few clicks only. Moreover, you only have to pay for the resources you are currently using. A dedicated server is a server that’s literally dedicated to your own personal use. You’ll have rights to all of the resources of the machine, and you’ll be able to configure the hosting environment however you wish.

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