PPC Advertising

I have used this and still use PPC to help me gain traffic to my site. And it gives good result. If you have enough money, you should use PPC.
If you have a large advertising budget sure, but think about it this way. If you spend $500 into PPC you'll likely get a result of 4-5 customers off that, is it worth paying $500 for a few customers? I don't think PPC is a good idea, unless you are a large hosting company.
PPC is incredibly expensive, especially in the hosting industry. Some keywords can go for up to $5.00 per click. Their great though if you run a site like hostingdiscussion because they provide great revenue! You can burn through $500 on Google Adwords in a matter of hours. I mentioned this in another post, but try the smaller sites that are up and comers in the hosting forums business / forum and website admin business. They usually provide a cheap and easy start to advertising and have a decent member base to display the adds to.
Yes it can be incredibly expensive, but it also depends on the keywords you're bidding on. If you bid on highly competitive and generic keywords like "Web Hosting", it's going to be hard to compete. I suggest bidding on the keywords that fit your hosting niche.
PPC is only as expensive as you want to make it. There's thousands of phrases that you can go after without breaking the bank. Lower competition, but that's ok, the whole point of a good PPC Strategy is to focus on BUYERS rather than BROWSERS.

PPC works, but like everything in life, there's a right way to do it, a wrong way to do it, and a lazy way to do it.

If you take the lazy approach (the easiest, and ultimately the wrong way), you'll be spending money faster than you can get it into the PPC account!
I have used it a few times, but every time, it's completely failed. I strongly discourage use of it unless (1) you have a large budget, or (2) you know exactly which keywords you are targeting. Otherwise, IMO, it is a waste of money.
It depends on how attractive the offer is and the product you are selling is. If either of them is not attractive then the amount paid for the click is just an expense.
You need to use the various filters and targets to limit the scope of your campaigns. To do this you need to first highly define who your target customer is. Most people fail because they have no set goal and just throw an ad up and hope for the best.

That's not how it works. You need to first determine exactly who you're looking for and only then can you figure out how to find him or her. Google calls this relevance., others call it a niche.
You need to use the various filters and targets to limit the scope of your campaigns. To do this you need to first highly define who your target customer is. Most people fail because they have no set goal and just throw an ad up and hope for the best.

That's not how it works. You need to first determine exactly who you're looking for and only then can you figure out how to find him or her. Google calls this relevance., others call it a niche.

Yeah, there is also a lot of books talking about PPC. PPC is expensive if you want results, specially in a overloaded business as hosting companies.

I recommend the reading of those books, they help you to get into the PPC business and designing a campaign.

Best Regards.
Marketing on the internet is a risk. It's much like gambling at a casino because you'll either earn it back or lose it all. I've previously used Google Adwords and it does do the job quite nicely and most of my campaigns succeeded, however if you can find a trust-worthy PPC provider I would give it a try. You're most likely spending your money better with PPC because traffic is guaranteed, but sometimes they send you fake traffic.
If you're serious about marketing, you do need a reasonable budget whichever way you decide to go.
Configure your campaigns carefully and you can get a great result with Google Ads for example. The Adwords platform has great potential if you know how to use it right. Check out the Google Learning Center you have over 300 pages in lessons just for the Fundamentals.

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