Questions for resellers?


New member
What made you decide to become a reseller, even if you aren't one now you can answer this?

If you have a dedicated server hosting business, did you skip right over reselling and go straight to a dedicated server?

If you are considering moving from hosting to becoming a reseller, what are the things holding you back from doing it?
I started with a reseller and had one for about 18 months, then I started making some real money and got a dedicated server. Yes, it's nice having it, and making sure that everything works. Reseller is a nice place to start if you don't have many bandwidth intensive sites :) But dedicated was somewhere I wanted to go, wanted the flexibility of having a set price of a nice server that I know will work! :D
I think the main reason people buy reseller accounts is because the server is already managed and doesn't require a lot of work on the reseller's part.
I know a lot of people get large reseller accounts when they could be getting a small dedicated but they just want it as easy as possible
I still have a reseller account but it is a high end one and a great deal although I am reaching the stage where I would ideally like to upgrade to a dedicated server for the speed and flexibility
I would not so much say that a person goes reseller because it is easy. I for one did it to learn and gain the experience... get my feet wet... one day if I am able and all works well I hope my business grows enough for me to go dedicated and be on my own.. but that is not for sometime now...
I can honestly say that I have a fantastic teacher and have learned a great deal.
Many individuals who hosted for years such as I did with my domains have no clue what it even remotely takes to be on the other side of the fence... with the server, customer support, all the issues that I have learned and most of you know much more than I do..............

I thank my teacher for their patience on sometimes my blond moments even when I am not blond and the patience I know it takes with the many questions new people have.....
A reseller is a good way into the business without too much outlay. However I found it increasingly frustrating as my supplier started good and then went downhill fast :(

I had a major problem with stability of 3 seperate reseller accounts and got increasingly fedup.

Being a Unix / Linux / Windows sysadmin anyway, I took the decision to move to a dedicated server so I could gain root access to my own system and make a fix without having to wait for my supplier (who wasn't fixing my issues).

It's a big challenge running your own box, but very staisfying. If you make the jump, make sure you can afford to run the box for a month or so before putting live accounts on it, then you can "fiddle" with no risk to you customers :)

I did consider building a box here in the office and putting a dedicated DSL line, but the costs (UK telecoms) were almost the same as renting a dedicated box in a proper DC
If you don't have huge client base than Reseller is the best option to start your business. Most of the Reseller try to host with bigger host(who have their own servers) and resell their services to their client and get the profit. When Reseller have appropriate number of client base then he think of more benifit with his own server rather than reselling other services and switch to his own server. If you are not technicaly sound then I suggest you to either go for Managed Servers or stick with your own Reseller Plan, you have good client base.
I started out as a reseller and to this day, I am still a reseller at this point. I would like to go to a dedicated server, but I am not ready to move up to that point. Dedicated servers require alot more attention the reseller accounts. Especially if the dedicated server is not managed. But thats my two cents on this topic. :)
Moving to dedicated was the best choice I ever made. It's nice to have the freedom of controling things, but at the same time it brings in more commitment on your side.

The plus's are that you can config the server as you want it and provide quick and easy customisations for clients. Also it's great knowing that you have the hardware there for your self.

The downside is monitoring and keeping it running 24/7. This requires a lot of time and skill.

I prefer dedicated over reseller :)
Is scalability important? Do you plan ahead when looking for a new host or do you just figure on looking for a new host if you out grow a shared server?
I started as shared, went to reseller, then to dedicated. I was able to afford it as I got new web design clients.

The more sites I got, the more sense it made to "upgrade". Ultimately my costs went down and profits went up.
I would not so much say that a person goes reseller because it is easy. I for one did it to learn and gain the experience... get my feet wet... one day if I am able and all works well I hope my business grows enough for me to go dedicated and be on my own.. but that is not for sometime now...
I can honestly say that I have a fantastic teacher and have learned a great deal.
Many individuals who hosted for years such as I did with my domains have no clue what it even remotely takes to be on the other side of the fence... with the server, customer support, all the issues that I have learned and most of you know much more than I do..............

I thank my teacher for their patience on sometimes my blond moments even when I am not blond and the patience I know it takes with the many questions new people have.....
That's really a great review of the host, who do you resell from?

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