RANT! Can't install invisionBoard


New member
I have a site using ipb 1.1.2 at www.somedomain.com/foldername. I wanted to change it to just www.somedomain.com and also upgrade to version 1.2 so i could use ipDynamic Lite. well I backed up the database so i dont lose all the posts I have but was hesitant to do anything else ( i dont know if just moving the entire forum folder contents up by one level would fix it...anybody know???).

Anyways, since i have a diff domain that is empty i decided to do a dry run on it: install ipb 1.1.2 at root level, use the backup i made to reload the posts and then try to upgrade to 1.2. so instead of using the script library from cpanel I'm trying to install the 1.1.2 using the sm_install.php script. Uploaded everything and set the CHMOD values. Created database with user/pass using cpanel and then try to run the script but the freakin thing keep saying it cant find the DB. I even dropped it and tried to make the database using phpMyAdmin. Under cpanel everything seems to show up EXCEPT right below where it lists the database name isnt it supposed to show the connection string values? On the domain i currently have the working forum on, it shows this. On the domain I am now creating the database on, it doesnt show it!!!! Same version of cpanel cuz im using the same host. What gives??? I keep dropping the DB and trying diff names. Didnt find any postings on the invision forums that gave concrete solutions. Should I talk to my host??
Woo hoo! I got it to work! And I was mistaken regarding ipDynamic Lite - it doesnt serve as the index page for the forum itself, but rather as an entry point/portal for the site. so the forum itself has to be installed in a directory www.somedomain.com/forum and the index.php for ipdynamic goes in the main public_html directory so it is located at www.somedomain.com!

Anyways, I was successful in upgrading from 1.1.2 to the 1.2 version and setting up the ipDynamic Lite. What I cannot figure out however is how to reorder the categories on the ipDynamic page.