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Now tell me, if i pay for a product (which i bought 7, at around $30 per item ... totalling $210), do I not have the right to access those items?

Yes? Good, so I know now you aren't insane :rolleyes:

I've sent two tickets into vbSkins since December 6th (yes, 15 days ago), those two tickets have gotten a total of 5 replies ... ALL FROM ME!

Frankly, from paying $210, i expect to access my product, 7 skins worth.

The deal is that the email address on my account there is very old and expired, and I don't remember the login/password.

I'm not sure what I can do though, since this guy Corey is/has been:
1. Never good to deal with
2. Never contactable (word?)
3. Not willing to respond to e-mails

I don't know where to go, and I'd like to be able to access what I' paid for, and what I rightfully have access to.
Its a bit disturbing the that the company cannot help you with this. Seems unfair, especially after you spent 200 bucks with them.

Wish you good luck,
Have you tried contacting any Ravio's clients?

They may be able to supply you with an active email or they might even help you.

Its worth a shot :)
They did way back when. Then, when I changed e-mail addresses, and the other expired, I e-mailed them and asked them to change it (this is March/April we're talking). Since that time, I've gotten maybe 3 replies from Corey. All of them on seperate issues. It's hard to remember back then, but I think I still had the password saved in a cookie, but not anymore.
Either way, it definately has been a good 7-8 months without access.

So, to clarify, you now have your skins or not yet?

Oh, slightly off topic though, has anyone seen the film NewsBreak?
If so, don't you think Corey seems a bit like the woman named as F.J.?
Which Corey are we talking here?

and HostPhax, don't you think to change email you need to have a proof that you owns the previous email?
Wish I had read this post earlier. Ordered a vbSkin 2 days ago and nada so far. :(

Follow up eMail has been sent to Corey (yesterday), but no word back yet.

WhiteBreeze, it's more the fact that Corey doesn't respond. He's a scammer as some say.

I cannot say anything, and don't want to, since I don't use him or his services. However he apparently charges many many people but doesn't offer the goods.
However thankfully if you pay via CC you can do a charge back. :)

Corey has also not been in contact with the majority of his clients apparently for many many months. So, I don't think he is just on holiday. ;)
No this is not a holiday issue, this has been going on for months.

Whitebreeze, he knows who I am, as he corresponded with me even with a new e-mail address. Even e-mailed me there once, so he knows it's me.

Yeah, hopefully you'll get your stuff. :)

WhiteBreeze, it's really the fact that Corey seems to now want to interact with people, and he doesn't really want to sell the products. It's a shame, he is a talented person and could do really well - however, it's a shame that his business ethics lean more towards drink and parties - this is only presumption, however it could be true. ;)
I don't want to make an assumption about him until I know. But I do know for a fact that right now it's a wasted talent.

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