Register Domain Seperate From Host?


New member
It seems wise to register seperate in case host doesn't work out.
Since I own multiple domains,should I take advantage of a free domain for life? If so, witch should my main commerce (.com)go?:confused:
it is safer to buy ur domain name from some well known registrar, then only point it to ur hosting account.

if u get a "free" domain with ur hosting account, it will be very hard for u to change host, and they might lock up the domain and force u to stay with them
There is really nothing wrong with registering your domain name with your host, as long as YOU have full control of it (whois info is in your name) and are allowed to lock/unlock the domain. If you're not sure, simply ask the host if they register the domains using their info or yours.

That being said, you should always try to keep them separate, just in case. It's always best to be safe than sorry. ;)
I tend to agree on all notes made so far. For me from personal experience (close friends/family and some clients) they did not read the TOS properly and/or the TOS was changed without their knowledge so in the end they all lost the domains.

If it is yours, it is yours (period), no one should be controlling your domain, but you.
I also agree that you should separate your domain from your web host. How important is your site to you? If you should have a problem with your web host for whatever reason, you need control of your domain to point it to a different provider.
o.k. I decided to keep domains seperate from my new host Pacific Host.They did
say I could take domain with me minus cost of their price (which was twice as expensive as registrar).So it worked out cheaper to keep seperate when you factor in deals for transfer,multiple domains,and free registration packages.(godaddy by the way)They(godaddy) keep trying to
sell me stuff I don't really need(their business model approach is definitley about sales) and although they offer great hosting deals and good teck support,I think I made the right choice with PH

KEEP DOMAINS SEPERATE I will be periodically updating my thoughts on these new providers, and thank everyone for helping me
decide this issue:agree:
I am doing this. I registered my domain way before I settled on a host and I was already registered up for a few years, so no chance in losing money. Besides, I like my register.
free? Do the math

I feel confident in final choice of KEEP DOMAIN SEPERATE for various reasons. (Unless seperate regitrar triples fee after 1 year and offers no perks or meaningful dicounts).Since that's what registrars are all about this
was a good enough reason in itself.
#2 Terms of Service(TOS)with host can change at any time(Keep seperate
and have registrar lock or point to new host)giving more freedom, and
avoiding deduction cost if you don't like host.
Do the math and "free"domain for multiple years can turn out much more expensive and with less freedom in comparison.But it looks good on paper.
You can also start out on a $1.00 domain and change it later(my host said no problem)factor in free year with transfers and other perks, and seperate registration prevails.
What I have done in the past with shared hosting that offer a free domain, I grab a domain that would be nice to have or useful, but I don't really need and that becomes the primary domain for the account. After that, I add all the domains I will actually use, and I sometimes find a use for the freebie. :)

Secondly, don't expect anybody to go out of their way to make it easy for you to do this. I am of at least average intelligence but every time I attempt to host my website at a registrar other than that of the domain registrar it turns into a bit of a hassle. Whether its an unexplained 24 to 72 hour wait or a forgotten switch or the support staff telling you there's a computer glitch, something unexpected will turn up to frustrate you. Why? Some will tell you it's because the registrars want to make it as difficult as possible to switch website hosts. Frankly I think it's less a matter of registrar greed than the intricacies of the system itself. Working with various support groups I've never felt them consciously obstructing my movements but I have often sensed they were unsure about what to do next. Every registrar seems to have a different control panel and the levers all have different names--or so it seems.

The safest thing to do is to get your domain from a trusted seller. You can't be sure of those "free" domains.
Everyone does that buy a domain from another provider. Only people that really buy domains with the host(80% of time) is the people who purchase it for a year or 2 years.

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