Relaunched Site: Feedback Wanted


New member

We just revamped our website: and would greatly appreciate any helpful feedback with the ordering process, amount of data, etc.

Thanks in Advance--
Overall the presence if the site is very pleasing. Love the navigation!

Something off the top of my head (after a quick glance):

- When clicking on "Linux" plans, the plan lands on Windows packages, which is a bit confusing. Moreover, when you click on those "MS / LINUX" tabs, they don't change tab color as information switches from MS to Linux.
- I would have given the logo another try.
I have to say it is a very nice layout. I agree with Art on the navigation. I think that is very unique. The logo could be better though as already stated. It seems a bit plain.

I also love what you are doing for the troops and donating 100% of the first months fees tot he The Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Way to go on this one. Our troops deserve anything they can get right now. :thumbup:
The above post say what i want to say... I love the nav bar! :)
It really original. About the other parts of the site, they are ok
The navigation is quit nice.
However I don't think the background works, maybe #333 or some shade of grey/black would make everything pop out
Thanks to all of you for the feedback. There is nothing like another several sets of eyes to catch things that our staff missed.

Thanks again!

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