[REQUEST] Dedicated Server in EUROPE

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New member
i'm looking for a one or more inexpensive, high performance and high Volume datatraffic dedicated server at a datacenter located in:
Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden or in Slovenia.

- At least 4000 GB (in + out) of monthly bandwidth
- 100MBit shared Port
- At least 400 GB of diskspace
- At least 2+ different useable IP addresses
- Admin access
- OS: Linux Debian or Fedora
- Payment: PayPal

You can contact me (in german, russian or english) at pm, email or please post your offer here.

Best regards.
Note...All users MUST post their offers.

With that said, please note Cintetix, that 4000GB of transfer is a lot, even for a dedicated server.

So, one would have to ask what your budget is?
ANMMark said:
Note...All users MUST post their offers.

With that said, please note Cintetix, that 4000GB of transfer is a lot, even for a dedicated server.

So, one would have to ask what your budget is?

Hello ANMMark,
my budget is max. 260USD

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