[REQUESTS] Templates


New member
Can everyone who is selling templates please post them here with your asking price. They must be unique and you may not redistribute them.
i not have any template now for sale. but can make for you. Can you tell us for what kind of site you want to use template. As you know template design base on site category.
PLEASE PM ME for more.
eglim, why must WebDT PM you for more information? He should simply post what he is looking for here. Also, he specifically requested that he would like price quotes from people that are selling templates, which would require that you would have a template that is pre-made.
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Can everyone who is selling templates please post them here with your asking price. They must be unique and you may not redistribute them.
block9hosting, the OP specifically stated that he wants templates that people already have. This thread is not for suggesting template sites, rather posting any template you may already own that meets the specifications that the OP stated.
That post looks incredibly simliar to the thread you started a few days ago. Cant you be a bit mroe creative? You are a designer after all.

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